Low T – Citizens Report https://citizensreport.org a digital channel commited to health & medical rights. Mon, 20 Jan 2025 06:33:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.26 https://citizensreport.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/cropped-cr-icon-1-32x32.png Low T – Citizens Report https://citizensreport.org 32 32 Misleading Ad Campaigns Praise Low T Drugs https://citizensreport.org/2016/10/12/low-t-drug-ad-campaigns/ https://citizensreport.org/2016/10/12/low-t-drug-ad-campaigns/#respond Wed, 12 Oct 2016 19:30:02 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=10628 Aging, the biological process of growing old, comes with a number of noticeable changes. As men age, they begin to experience things like hearing and hair loss, low energy, declining sex drive and decreasing muscle mass. Ad campaigns, targeting aging men in an effort to sell testosterone therapies, have historically worked to convince the male […]

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Aging, the biological process of growing old, comes with a number of noticeable changes. As men age, they begin to experience things like hearing and hair loss, low energy, declining sex drive and decreasing muscle mass.

Ad campaigns, targeting aging men in an effort to sell testosterone therapies, have historically worked to convince the male population that these effects are a problematic condition that must be fixed.

The Low T Bandwagon

There’s no doubt that the majority of individuals aren’t enjoying the aging process, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s natural. Western culture has developed an obsession with anti-aging elixirs, allowing pharmaceutical corporations and beauty companies to make big bucks on fresh and fancy youth-giving products.

Pharmaceuticals that can treat these changes resonate with the male population, encouraging individuals to visit their doctors with a request for drugs like Androgel or Axiron. Health professionals may prescribe testosterone therapy medications because of their effectiveness, but in some cases, they may also be on the corporation’s payroll.

Low testosterone can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms fit into a number of different categories. Additionally, testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day. Many men who suffer from erectile dysfunction might have normal testosterone levels, with the real culprit being abnormal circulation or nerve function. Individuals who choose to begin a testosterone therapy regimen should carefully consider the possible side effects.

The Cost of Anti-Aging Supplements

Testosterone drugs have been linked to cardiovascular issues in elderly men.
Image: Health Animations

While there is no reason that men shouldn’t strive to look their best and maximize their potential, it’s still important to recognize the costs of pharmaceutical testosterone.

Studies have linked testosterone therapy to heart attacks, stroke, blood clots, prostate cancer and early death. Researchers suggest that these side effects are most common for elderly men — the main demographic for the advertisements.

Testosterone levels peak in the late 20s and early 30s, subsequently dropping about 1-2 percent a year. Measures of testosterone levels should be age appropriate, meaning that 75-year-old men and 35-year-old men should not be held to the same lifestyle standards.

Men who used testosterone therapies and experienced cardiac issues or other injuries may be entitled to compensation. Request a free, no-obligation case evaluation today.

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Natural, Drug-Free Ways To Combat Low Testosterone https://citizensreport.org/2016/02/02/natural-ways-to-combat-low-testosterone/ https://citizensreport.org/2016/02/02/natural-ways-to-combat-low-testosterone/#respond Tue, 02 Feb 2016 19:44:15 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=10347 Millions of men are using synthetic testosterone to treat low energy, low libido, depression and much more. Touted as a miracle medication, prescriptions for testosterone quadrupled between 2001 and 2011. While testosterone therapy allows older men to reap benefits similar to a revived youth, there may be consequences associated with the drug. Men using testosterone have nearly […]

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Millions of men are using synthetic testosterone to treat low energy, low libido, depression and much more. Touted as a miracle medication, prescriptions for testosterone quadrupled between 2001 and 2011.

While testosterone therapy allows older men to reap benefits similar to a revived youth, there may be consequences associated with the drug. Men using testosterone have nearly five times the number of cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks and strokes.

In 2014, nearly one in 25 men over the age of 60 was prescribed testosterone. However, some doctors believe that it’s possible to increase testosterone naturally and without potentially dangerous prescriptions.

Holistic Alternatives To Prescription Testosterone

Doctors recommend consuming less sugar to avoid decreasing testosterone in the body.
Image: WebMd

Dr. David Samadi, Chairman of Urology, Chief of Robotic Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital and Professor of Urology at Hofstra School of Medicine, is one of those doctors.

In an article published in the Huffington Post, Samadi described seven holistic alternatives to testosterone medication:

1. Limit alcohol intake: Even drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can cause testosterone levels to plummet.

2. Reduce stress: be mindful of factors in your life that create stress. Mental or physical stress can quickly depress your levels. The stress hormone cortisol suppresses the body’s ability to make testosterone.

3. Cardio: High-intensity exercise can cut stress in half but don’t overdo it. Injuries and fatigue are sure signs that your workout may lower testosterone.

4. Zinc: The mineral zinc is important for testosterone production. Look to protein-rich foods like meats and fish. If you decide to supplement zinc, stick to a dosage of less than 40mg per day.

5. Vitamin D: This is a big secret when it comes to healthy testosterone levels. Foods like shellfish, tuna, salmon, egg yolks, beans and others work great. You can also look into taking vitamin D supplements, 1,000-2,000 IU per day (that’s what I personally do) and monitor your levels after that. Vitamin D levels should be between 30-60.

6. Limit Sugar: When in doubt, say no to sugar. Testosterone levels decrease because sugar leads to a high insulin level.

7. Healthy fats: Foods like olive oil, raw nuts, coconut oil, grass-fed meats and avocados are essential for building testosterone — 50-70 percent of your diet should include healthy fats.

Help For Men Suffering From Testosterone Side Effects

Testosterone therapy has been linked to heart attacks, among other complications.
Image: Home Remedies Station

Studies show that testosterone therapy can increase the risk of cardiovascular issues, such as heart attack, stroke, blood clots and early death. Many men using testosterone have already experienced these complications. It’s better to consult services that specialize in regenerative medicine in El Paso, TX for additional guidance.

If you experienced side effects while using testosterone, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Request a free case evaluation to learn about compensation today.

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Studies Link Low T Drugs To Heart Attacks In Elderly Men https://citizensreport.org/2015/12/30/testosterone-studies-show-heart-attacks/ https://citizensreport.org/2015/12/30/testosterone-studies-show-heart-attacks/#respond Wed, 30 Dec 2015 19:55:19 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=10045 Testosterone therapy, a popular hormone treatment for males, has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, prostate cancer and other serious conditions. While testosterone medication is used by different age groups and demographics, researchers have found that it can increase the risk of cardiac issues in elderly men. PLoS One Study Published in 2014 Public Library […]

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Studies Show Heart Attacks Caused By Low T Meds

In the past few years, a number of medical journals have published studies linking prescription testosterone to increased cardiac risks.

Testosterone therapy, a popular hormone treatment for males, has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, prostate cancer and other serious conditions.

While testosterone medication is used by different age groups and demographics, researchers have found that it can increase the risk of cardiac issues in elderly men.

PLoS One Study Published in 2014

PLoS was founded in 2000 as a nonprofit, open-access scientific publishing project.
Image: WikiMedia

Public Library of Science, a peer-reviewed resource that includes various scientific disciplines, published a study evaluating the hypotheses that testosterone therapy can increase the risk of heart attacks, referred to as “acute non-fatal myocardial infarction.”

The Univeristy of California Los Angeles and the National Cancer Institute tested a database of 56,000 patients, measuring the likelihood of heart attack both before and after using testosterone for the first time.

Published on January 29, 2014, the study’s scientists concluded that men older than 65 and younger men with undiagnosed heart disease had double the risk of suffering a heart attack after the first 90 days of testosterone therapy.

The most recent study builds on other research that has identified cardiac risks caused by testosterone replacement.

JAMA Study Published in 2013

JAMA focuses on biomedical science and is published 48 times each year by the American Medical Association.
Image: Ashish K. Jha, MD

The Journal of American Medicine (JAMA) published a 2013 study that examined 8,709 veterans with low testosterone levels.

The men underwent cardiac tests and were entered into the Veterans Affairs (VA) system between 2005 and 2011.

“Among a cohort of men in the VA health care system who underwent coronary angiography and had a low serum testosterone level, the use of testosterone therapy was associated with increased risk of adverse outcomes,” according to the study.

Testosterone therapy bumped the risk of death, heart attack and stroke by an estimated 30 percent in veterans with a history of heart disease.

NEJM Study Published in 2010

The New England Journal of Medicine is published by the Massachusetts Medical Society and has existed since 1812.
Image: Oh Care

In 2010, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) conducted a similar study. In this experiment, a man lost his life. The cause of death was thought to be a heart attack activated by testosterone use.

The trial, called Testosterone in Older Men with Mobility Limitations (TOM), evaluated frail men with a high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. The study was stopped because of a high number of negative cardiovascular events in the treatment group.

“Frail elderly men with limitations in mobility are more likely to have clinical and subclinical cardiovascular disease than are those who do not have limitations in mobility,” according to the study.

The study also found that testosterone gels increased the risk of stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA).

The Takeaway

As men age, testosterone levels gradually decline about 1 percent each year after age 30 or 40.
Image: Visualize Us

Older men are more likely to use testosterone replacements to improve sexual function, bone density, and strength that is affected by the natural aging process.

But the truth is that the effects of testosterone therapy on the cardiovascular health of men are unknown.

While scientists conduct research to gain more knowledge about prescription testosterone, millions of men continue using it every day.

Patients who experienced heart complications from testosterone medication may be eligible for compensation. Complete a free, no-obligation survey to learn more.

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FDA Urges Low-T Drug Manufacturers To Fund Cooperative Trial https://citizensreport.org/2015/09/04/low-t-drug-trials/ https://citizensreport.org/2015/09/04/low-t-drug-trials/#respond Fri, 04 Sep 2015 21:19:05 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=7223 Men having trouble in the bedroom use Low-T drugs to give their testosterone levels a boost. However, these drugs are only approved to treat certain medical conditions. The frequency of the off-label use of testosterone drugs has prompted the FDA to call on pharmaceutical manufacturers to collaborate on a single trial that would analyze testosterone enhancers as a […]

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FDA Calls On Pharmaceutical Manufacturers To Conduct Testosterone Drug Trial

The FDA has called on pharmaceutical manufacturers of testosterone drugs to conduct a single trial to gather data on how the medication is used to treat lifestyle issues.

Men having trouble in the bedroom use Low-T drugs to give their testosterone levels a boost. However, these drugs are only approved to treat certain medical conditions.

The frequency of the off-label use of testosterone drugs has prompted the FDA to call on pharmaceutical manufacturers to collaborate on a single trial that would analyze testosterone enhancers as a lifestyle drug.

A cooperative single trial would be faster, more convenient and less costly for all parties with a stake in Low-T medications. It would provide much-need information on a popular class of drugs that is being used for anti-aging and sexual enhancement.

The Argument For A Multi-Manufacturer Trial

The amount of male Americans using testosterone therapy increased from 1.3 million to 2.3 million from 2009 to 2013, according to the FDA.
Via: Ask Men

In March, the FDA required manufacturers of testosterone treatments to put warnings about possible heart attacks and stroke on the drug’s labeling. Additionally, the FDA did not want doctors to prescribe these drugs to aging men with sexual dysfunction. The ruling was supported by an advisory panel that voted 14-1 for the drugs only to be used for medical issues like brain damage, tumors or genetic disorders.

Despite these regulations, men are continuing to seek out testosterone therapy to improve testicular function or to treat other age-related conditions. In an issue of the New England Journal of Medicine published on August 20, the FDA cites an increase in the use of testosterone drugs to treat a lacking libido.

Testosterone side effects

The amount of male Americans using testosterone therapy increased from 1.3 million to 2.3 million from 2009 to 2013, according to the FDA.

Previous studies on Low-T as a lifestyle drug do exist, but data on the benefits of hormone therapy for older men are inconclusive or contradictory.

Dr. Christine Nguyen, an FDA deputy director of safety, wants the manufacturers to conduct tests that would give information about the drug’s dosage, advantages and side effects.

“The benefits and risks of testosterone therapy have not been established for the treatment of men who have low testosterone levels due to aging, even if there are symptoms that seem related to the low testosterone,” Nguyen said.

Will Low-T Manufacturers Agree?

AbbVie, the maker of Androgel, and Eli Lilly, the maker of Axiron, have signed on to conduct the collaborative single trial.
Via: Minn Post

Experts question if Low-T drugs will increase the likelihood of heart attack and stroke in older men. They wonder what it would mean if a pharmaceutical product could be prescribed to counteract the natural process of aging.

If pharmaceutical manufactures want to keep market sales steady, they will have to secure information that illustrates the safety and effectiveness of Low-T drugs.

AbbVie, the maker of Androgel, and Eli Lilly, the maker of Axiron, have stated that they are going to work toward researching testosterone drugs to assure that prescribing them for lifestyle improvement is in patient’s best interests.

“AbbVie and other sponsors of prescription testosterone treatments are working with the FDA to determine the best path forward for a clinical trial,” according to an AbbVie spokesperson.

Similarly, J. Scott MacGregor, Eli Lilly’s global communications director, said, “We’re continuing to work closely with the FDA in the best interests of men who use testosterone therapy.”

The positive effects of testosterone enhancements have yet to be confirmed, and the negative side effects remain unknown. Hopefully the drug makers will agree on a study that would streamline the process of providing necessary information that would satisfy the FDA requirement and benefit American consumers overall.

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Testosterone Drug Overrun By Lawsuits https://citizensreport.org/2014/08/07/testosterone-drug-androgel-overrun-lawsuits/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/08/07/testosterone-drug-androgel-overrun-lawsuits/#comments Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:39:23 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=3609 The number of lawsuits against AndroGel, filed by patients that have suffered heart attacks and strokes, was so high that a panel of judges decided to consolidate all the cases under one courthouse’s roof. The judicial panel’s decision to have all the cases heard by U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly came as good news to AndroGel’s makers, […]

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The number of lawsuits against AndroGel, filed by patients that have suffered heart attacks and strokes, was so high that a panel of judges decided to consolidate all the cases under one courthouse’s roof.

The judicial panel’s decision to have all the cases heard by U.S. District Judge Matthew Kennelly came as good news to AndroGel’s makers, AbbVie. If the decision had not been made, the pharmaceutical company may have been overwhelmed by defending themselves in courthouses all across the country.

The $1.6 billion/year testosterone industry has come under fire for medical reports that link testosterone replacement therapy with a 29% increased risk of death by heart attack or stroke. The FDA has responded to the reports by promising to re-investigate the group of drugs.

The pharmaceutical companies that produce testosterone prescriptions have been accused by some of unethical marketing campaigns. Critics have said that the Low T campaign has mislead men into thinking drugs like AndroGel, Axiron, and Testim will solve problems that the FDA has, in fact, not approved testosterone use for. The successful campaign has lined the pockets of pharmaceutical execs while endangering the lives of many men.

If you’ve been hurt by prescription testosterone, click here for your own free case evaluation!

Click here to learn more about the side effects of prescription testosterone drugs, such as AndroGel, Axiron, and Testim, as well as the lawsuit settlements victims receive for their injuries.

Death has been a reported side effect for men taking prescription testosterone for Low-T.

The FDA has issued a testosterone replacement therapy warning for men with Low-T.

A new nasal Low-T testosterone medication has both positives and side effects.

To learn about other drug side effects, their subsequent lawsuits and settlements, as well as other personal injury cases, CLICK HERE.

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The New Way To Fight Low T https://citizensreport.org/2014/08/07/new-nasal-low-t-testosterone-medication-side-effects/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/08/07/new-nasal-low-t-testosterone-medication-side-effects/#respond Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:29:10 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=3596 Men suffering from “Low T” have been rubbing testosterone onto their armpits, injecting it into their muscles, and now, with FDA approval, men seeking the fountain of youth can take the prescription drug through their nose. A New Testosterone Drug Natesto, the new nasally delivered testosterone prescription was FDA approved on May 28th. There are […]

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Men suffering from “Low T” have been rubbing testosterone onto their armpits, injecting it into their muscles, and now, with FDA approval, men seeking the fountain of youth can take the prescription drug through their nose.

A New Testosterone Drug

Natesto, the new nasally delivered testosterone prescription was FDA approved on May 28th. There are serious risks of dangerous side effects associated with prescription testosterone, which we will get to, but Natesto actually does have one big benefit. Men who have been applying testosterone gel through their skin have had the unfortunate side effect of residual gel coming into contact with their family. Women and children who receive accidental testosterone exposure can develop masculine characteristics, as well as more serious complications. Since Natesto is taken through the nose, it should thereby not come into contact with the patient’s skin, which in turn means it should protect families from accidental exposure.

Prescription Testosterone Risks and side effects

“A Journal of the American Medical Association study found that using testosterone increased the risk of death from heart attack or stroke by 29% in men with or without a history of heart disease,” as you can read on FierceDrugDelivery.com. Because patients and doctors weren’t adequately warned of testosterone’s risks, men who have suffered from a Heart Attack, Stroke, DVT or PE after using AndroGel, Axiron or Testim may be eligible for a settlement to cover their pain and medical bills.

If you’ve been hurt by prescription testosterone, click here for your own free case evaluation!

Click here to learn more about the side effects of prescription testosterone drugs, such as AndroGel, Axiron, and Testim, as well as the lawsuit settlements victims receive for their injuries.

Death has been a reported side effect for men taking prescription testosterone for Low-T.

The manufacturers of the testosterone drug AndroGel have been overrun by lawsuits from patients who’ve suffered side effects.

The FDA has issued a testosterone replacement therapy warning for men with Low-T.

To learn about other drug side effects, their subsequent lawsuits and settlements, as well as other personal injury cases, CLICK HERE.

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Testosterone Therapy Warning https://citizensreport.org/2014/04/11/testosterone-therapy-warning/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/04/11/testosterone-therapy-warning/#respond Fri, 11 Apr 2014 17:10:44 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=2758 Everyday more and more men are taking a step to feel younger. Testosterone therapy is now seen as a way to feel better, more energetic, and even more “romantic.” The craze has gone strong in large part thanks to a media blitz by pharmaceutical companies. Those commercials introduced the world to low testosterone, more commonly […]

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Everyday more and more men are taking a step to feel younger. Testosterone therapy is now seen as a way to feel better, more energetic, and even more “romantic.” The craze has gone strong in large part thanks to a media blitz by pharmaceutical companies. Those commercials introduced the world to low testosterone, more commonly known as Low T.

Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone. Not sex as in what happens in the bedroom, but sex as in gender. During puberty and early manhood, testosterone is what gives men facial and body hair, a manly voice, and bigger muscles. Around the age of 30, the majority of men begin seeing a gradual drop in their testosterone levels.

It only seems logical that one would want to have high levels of testosterone. If testosterone is what gave them good, masculine qualities, then surely one would not want to see their t-levels drop.

Pharmaceutical companies picked up on this human emotion and found a way to profit off of it. And profit they did. From 2002 – 2012, the U.S. sales of testosterone gels, patches, injections and tablets went from merely $324 million to about $2 billion.

What pharmaceutical companies don’t want their customers knowing is that research shows that lowered levels of testosterone in older men are not necessarily due to old age, but due to the fact that most men gain extra pounds as they age due to a less healthy and physical lifestyle. Even Dr. Farid Saad, who helps make testosterone prescriptions for the pharmaceutical giant Bayer, says that “changes in weight seem to be more important than aging itself.”

Big Pharma’s advantageous marketing scheme even drew the criticism of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only approved testosterone products for men that had a major medical condition such as testicular problems due to chemotherapy. When pharmaceutical companies started advertising testosterone products to the average aging man, the FDA boldly stated that testosterone products were not approved for men with age-associated symptoms.

Unfortunately for the many men that were charmed by promising commercials, recent research casts a shadow on the safety of testosterone replacement therapy. The results of two separate studies have forced the FDA to investigate the risk of stroke, heart attack, and death in men taking testosterone products that were previously FDA-approved.

Men, and the family who suffered from one of these side effects while taking AndroGel, Axiron, Androderm, Fortesta, Testim, Testopel, Depo Testosterone, Bio-T-Gel, Delatestryl and Strianthave have begun to seek out legal representation. Lawsuits against the manufacturers of these products are handled on an individual basis – not on a class action basis. As a result, it is imperative to reach out to an attorney who specializes in these types of cases to file your suit. Time is running out to participate in these settlements. If you are interested in participating in this settlement, you can elect to have your case reviewed by an attorney here.


And for those yet to be prescribed, but still interested in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), here is a word of advice from Harvard University:

“Testosterone therapy is not a fountain of youth. Don’t try it in hopes of channeling your more youthful physical or sexual self, of living longer or healthier, or of improving your memory or mental sharpness. Exercising more would be a safer—and probably more effective—approach for achieving those goals.”

Click here to learn more about the side effects of prescription testosterone drugs, such as AndroGel, Axiron, and Testim, as well as the lawsuit settlements victims receive for their injuries.

Death has been a reported side effect for men taking prescription testosterone for Low-T.

The manufacturers of the testosterone drug AndroGel have been overrun by lawsuits from patients who’ve suffered side effects.

A new nasal Low-T testosterone medication has both positives and side effects.

To learn about other drug side effects, their subsequent lawsuits and settlements, as well as other personal injury cases, CLICK HERE.

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Men seeking youth may actually find death https://citizensreport.org/2014/04/07/low-prescription-testosterone-men-seeking-youth-may-actually-find-death/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/04/07/low-prescription-testosterone-men-seeking-youth-may-actually-find-death/#comments Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:39:40 +0000 http://test.tigerdesign.me/?p=2682 Watch any football game or a news program, and you’re almost sure to see one of those commercials about how a-little-dab’ll-do-ya of testosterone can banish the “low-T” blues and put spark back into your life. The ads work. Almost 3 percent of American men aged 40 and older have been prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. According […]

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Watch any football game or a news program, and you’re almost sure to see one of those commercials about how a-little-dab’ll-do-ya of testosterone can banish the “low-T” blues and put spark back into your life.

The ads work. Almost 3 percent of American men aged 40 and older have been prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. According to figures compiled by Bloomberg Businessweek, sales of testosterone drugs could reach $5 billion by 2017.

But a study released Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association is sure to raise questions about the wisdom behind the testosterone rush. It finds that among men with previous heart troubles and low testosterone levels, the use of ‘low-T’ therapy boosted the risk of serious problems including heart attack, stroke — and death.

Researchers at the University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas reviewed records from more than 8,700 men with low-T levels who underwent coronary angiography — a procedure that uses dye and X-rays to peer into heart arteries — in the Veterans Affairs system between 2005 and 2011.

If you suffered a cardiac injury while taking prescription Testosterone, click here!.

Read more of the article.

Click here to learn more about the side effects of prescription testosterone drugs, such as AndroGel, Axiron, and Testim, as well as the lawsuit settlements victims receive for their injuries.

The manufacturers of the testosterone drug AndroGel have been overrun by lawsuits from patients who’ve suffered side effects.

The FDA has issued a testosterone replacement therapy warning for men with Low-T.

A new nasal Low-T testosterone medication has both positives and side effects.

To learn about other drug side effects, their subsequent lawsuits and settlements, as well as other personal injury cases, CLICK HERE.

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