Pollution – Citizens Report https://citizensreport.org a digital channel commited to health & medical rights. Mon, 20 Jan 2025 06:33:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.26 https://citizensreport.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/cropped-cr-icon-1-32x32.png Pollution – Citizens Report https://citizensreport.org 32 32 Radioactive Coal Ash Pollutes Regional Groundwater https://citizensreport.org/2015/09/16/unregulated-coal-ash-dumps/ https://citizensreport.org/2015/09/16/unregulated-coal-ash-dumps/#respond Wed, 16 Sep 2015 16:41:27 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=7769 Research shows that radioactive coal ash is prominent in regions where coal-burning power plants are an economic staple. According to Greenpeace, coal ash is “highly hazardous, often containing arsenic, mercury and lead.” Because coal ash waste is unregulated and understudied, high levels of radioactive contaminants are becoming a major cause for concern. The organization has issued a warning […]

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Unregulated Coal Industry Exacerbating The Effects Of Climate Change

The unregulated coal industry has polluted the air and contaminated groundwater with radioactive chemicals that are dangerous to human health.

Research shows that radioactive coal ash is prominent in regions where coal-burning power plants are an economic staple.

According to Greenpeace, coal ash is “highly hazardous, often containing arsenic, mercury and lead.” Because coal ash waste is unregulated and understudied, high levels of radioactive contaminants are becoming a major cause for concern.

The organization has issued a warning for residents living near coal burning power plants and waste dumps, asserting that close proximity to toxic chemicals could increase the risk of cancer, heart damage, lung disease, birth defects and other serious illnesses.

The Study

The three main areas in the United States that were included in the study are pictured above.
Image: ACS Publications

The study was conducted by researchers at Duke University and published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology on Sept. 2.

Researchers found that radioactivity levels in coal ash residue were five times higher than in normal soil and almost 10 times higher than in the parent coal itself.

The findings show the highest occurrence of radioactivity in the Illinois basin. The second highest levels of radioactivity were found in the Appalachian and Powder River basins in Montana and Wyoming.

Coal naturally contains radium isotopes and lead-210, which are not harmful until they have experienced a chemical reaction. When coal burns and combusts, radioactive elements are concentrated in coal ash waste. Lead-210 becomes readily vaporized and sticks to ash particles in the air.

“This study raises the possibility that we should also be looking for radioactive elements, such as radium isotopes and lead-210, and including them in our monitoring efforts,” said study co-author Avner Vengosh, professor of geochemistry and water quality at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment.

Lack Of Regulation Leads To Pollution

The coal ash dumps are largely unregulated, which leaves radioactive reside to spread throughout waste ponds and landfills.
Image: NY Times

Coal ash dumps contribute to fossil fuel pollution and continue to add to the effects of climate change. The government does not regulate radioactive coal ash, allowing the waste to be kept in holding ponds and landfills near coal burning power plants.

The holding ponds leak into groundwater, contaminating it with dangerous chemicals such as selenium and arsenic. To make matters worse, these sites are not being tested for radioactivity.

“We don’t know how much of these contaminants are released to the environment, and how they might affect human health in areas where coal ash ponds and landfills are leaking,” said Vengosh.

In an effort to draw the attention to the issue, the study has identified coal ash residue as a significant pollutant. Researchers will continue to measure its presence in the air and evaluate the potential long- and short-term risks.

Is Regulation In The Near Future?

The Environmental Protection Agency will meet in October to discuss different plans to regulate coal ash waste.
Image: Knox News

When the researchers measured the amount of radium and uranium in the parent coal and in the residual coal ash, they found a consistent ratio. The findings could help to measure how dangerous coal ash waste in future studies, which would make cleanup efforts easier.

“This means we can predict how much potential radioactivity will occur in coal ash by measuring the uranium content in the parent coal, which is easily discerned,” Vengosh said.

“This analysis can be applied to all coal ash worldwide, and is useful information for regulators, industries and scientists alike.”

The United States produces 140 million tons of coal ash each year, according to EarthJustice. However, the world’s largest coal user is China. The country generates at least 375 million tons of coal ash every year, which has increased by 2.5 times since 2002.

Now that researchers in the United States have identified coal ash reside as a pollutant and a dangerous contaminant, the Environmental Protection Agency will meet to discuss coal ash disposal regulations in October.

Despite the fact that the American government is orchestrating a cleanup plan, it’s hard to predict if China will help the global community reduce the overall effects of climate change.

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Grand Canyon’s Waters Contaminated By Mercury And Selenium https://citizensreport.org/2015/09/08/grand-canyon-contaminated/ https://citizensreport.org/2015/09/08/grand-canyon-contaminated/#respond Tue, 08 Sep 2015 19:08:30 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=7278 The Grand Canyon has been a world heritage site since 1979. Despite the desire to protect it, pollution has permeated its natural features. Findings from a recent U.S. Geological Survey study shows alarming levels of mercury and selenium in the Grand Canyon’s ecosystem, creating a risk for fish, other area wildlife and humans. The Study Researchers examined six waterways that connected […]

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The Grand Canyon Is Being Contaminated By Mercury And Selenium

Studies show the Grand Canyon has been contaminated by mercury and selenium from a nearby coal burning power plant and distant river irrigation runoff.

The Grand Canyon has been a world heritage site since 1979. Despite the desire to protect it, pollution has permeated its natural features.

Findings from a recent U.S. Geological Survey study shows alarming levels of mercury and selenium in the Grand Canyon’s ecosystem, creating a risk for fish, other area wildlife and humans.

The Study

Mercury is a dangerous chemical that has been linked to autism, psychotic reactions, hallucinations, suicidal tendencies and delirium.
Via: RSC

Researchers examined six waterways that connected to the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon and found chemical contamination in the aquatic food webs. The study was recently published in the journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

The waters contained chemical compounds of mercury and selenium that can affect minnows, invertebrates and fish. The amount of chemicals present in the water would make the fish and fish-eating wildlife unsafe to eat.

However, rainbow trout had mercury levels that were below the EPA threshold, which means the most common kind of Colorado River fish are safe to eat. Researchers didn’t notice the usual deformities caused by mercury exposure in these animals, which could be because of a positive interaction between the mercury and selenium.

The Cause

Researchers believe that mercury was introduced to the Grand Canyon through pollution from a coal burning power plant in Page, Arizona.
Via: AZ Capitol Times

The Grand Canyon is in a remote part of Arizona, which makes data collection of distant areas difficult. The study cites potential sources of contamination from atmospheric deposition, watershed runoff, coal ash or irrigation returns.

There is a coal burning power plant located northeast of the Grand Canyon near Page, Arizona, which most likely contributed to the mercury contamination. Selenium probably exists naturally in the area, but upstream reservoir called Lake Powell could have contributed irrigation runoff from algae to the waterway.

“Our research adds to a growing body of evidence showing that remote ecosystems are vulnerable to long-range transport and subsequent bioaccumulation of contaminants,” according to the study. “Airborne transport and deposition is most commonly identified as the mechanism for contaminant introduction to remote ecosystems.”

Can The Contamination Be Contained?

Researchers believe that contamination in the Grand Canyon is going to continue to have a negative effect on the area’s wildlife and ecosystem.
Via: National Geographic

Environmentally conscious Americans have been advocating for the protection of historical natural sites, but the study shows that mercury concentrations are higher in comparison to other large rivers.

It is important to note that these chemicals are harmful to humans. Mercury contains a neurotoxin that affects the central nervous system. Selenium is a nutritional element, but an improper exposure to too much of the compound can cause teeth and hair to fall out, decreased alertness, lesions, skin discoloration and potentially liver tumors, according to the EPA.

The study says that mercury and selenium are “leading causes of impairment of lotic ecosystems.” Because the source of contaminated begins far beyond the borders of the Grand Canyon, it will be very difficult to contain.

“Protecting fish and wildlife in Grand Canyon from contaminant exposure driven by processes occurring beyond park and other political boundaries will remain an ongoing challenge,” according to the study.

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A Green Horizon In Beijing https://citizensreport.org/2014/07/08/ibm-and-china-become-environmental-partners/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/07/08/ibm-and-china-become-environmental-partners/#respond Tue, 08 Jul 2014 18:09:05 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=3441 When you think of China what comes to mind? Due to an unfortunate reality, many people picture images of smog-filled skies and normal citizens wearing medical masks. However, China’s notorious pollution may one day be a thing of the past. An environmental consciousness has recently been weaving its way into the fabric of Chinese culture. […]

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When you think of China what comes to mind? Due to an unfortunate reality, many people picture images of smog-filled skies and normal citizens wearing medical masks. However, China’s notorious pollution may one day be a thing of the past. An environmental consciousness has recently been weaving its way into the fabric of Chinese culture. One sign of that change is the momentous news that Beijing has partnered with IBM in an effort to go green.

The “Green Horizon” project symbolizes IBM’s commitment to helping China become environmentally sustainable. The 10-year project will focus on improving air quality management, renewable energy forecasting, and energy optimization for industry.

D.C. Chien, Chairman and CEO of IBM Greater China Group said, “China has made great achievements and contributed much to the world’s economic growth over the past 30 years. It now has an opportunity to lead the world in sustainable energy and environmental management. While other nations waited until their economies were fully developed before taking comprehensive action to address environmental issues, China can leverage IBM’s most advanced information technologies to help transform its energy infrastructures in parallel with its growth.”

“It is about how we can help cities improve management based on ‘Big Data’, and better predict (pollution) with accuracy so the government can take proactive action,” said Xiaowei Shen, China director of IBM Research.

What IBM is really offering is their expertise with Big Data and analytics, weather prediction, and climate modelling. Beijing’s ability to improve its environment begins with real-time data – collected from IBM’s new-generation optical sensors, meteorological satellites, and air quality monitoring systems. IBM’s cognitive computing systems will then be able to visualize that data into maps that show the source and distribution of Beijing’s pollution. With this data at hand, the Beijing government will be capable of making rapid changes to improve environmental problems by tweaking production at certain factories, as well as alerting citizens about incoming air quality issues up to 72 hours in advance.

The partnership between IBM and the Beijing Municipal Government is just one sign of Beijing’s commitment to improving air quality. Over the next three years, Beijing will invest over $160 billion to improve the city’s air quality.

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BP’s oil mess cleaned up? https://citizensreport.org/2014/04/07/bps-oil-mess-cleaned-up/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/04/07/bps-oil-mess-cleaned-up/#respond Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:58:58 +0000 http://test.tigerdesign.me/?p=2693 WHITING, IND. – An assessment team that formed in response to last week’s BP oil spill on Lake Michigan in Indiana has decided that no further cleanup efforts are needed. Crews determined that trace amounts of oil remain along the rocky shoreline of BP’s refinery in Whiting following the March 24 spill. Up to 1,638 gallons […]

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WHITING, IND. – An assessment team that formed in response to last week’s BP oil spill on Lake Michigan in Indiana has decided that no further cleanup efforts are needed.

Crews determined that trace amounts of oil remain along the rocky shoreline of BP’s refinery in Whiting following the March 24 spill. Up to 1,638 gallons of oil were discharged when a distillation unit malfunctioned, officials said.

U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Jeremy Thomas said aggressive cleanup methods, such as pressure washing, to remove the remaining oil would do more harm than good to the environment.

The remaining oil along the rocky wall on either side of a cove-like area, where the oil was believed to be contained to, has formed to asphalt and become part of the rock, Thomas said. It doesn’t pose a threat to the environment or wildlife, he said.

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