News & Updates

Whistleblower Harassed After Revealing VA Health Care Scandal
The whistle has been blown on staffers from the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs, whose misconduct has led 34,000 veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan to become ineligible for health care benefits. The misconduct has also reportedly caused the ...

Unusually Fast Ebola Vaccine Trials Prove Successful
The epidemic in West Africa may finally come to an end after a new drug proved 100 percent successful in recent trials. Research that would have normally taken a decade was completed in just 12 months, which means the speed of the drug’s development is unp...

Frequent Shallow Fracking Threatens Drinking Water
Fracking, a technique designed to recover gas and oil from shale rock, is a controversial process. Opponents of fracking argue that the drilling process could contaminate the water table, but its supporters claim that the practice is carried out at such de...

Executives Responsible For Peanut Butter Recall To Be Sentenced
Peanut butter has been a snack time favorite for kids and adults since its was invented in the 19th century. It’s chock full of protein, potassium, fiber, magnesium, healthy fats, Vitamin E and antioxidants. But if contaminated with salmonella, it can pois...

America’s Attitude On Calorie Consumption Is Finally Changing
As America’s waistline grew, the nation’s eating habits continued to worsen. In previous decades, statistics reflected a trend that showed a larger number of overweight and obese people in the population, which coincided with increasing instances of chroni...

New drug may slow Alzheimer’s disease
According to the Alzheimer's Society, about 44 million people suffer from dementia across the globe. By 2050, 135 million people are predicted to develop the slow-acting, deadly disease.Research shows that a new drug could have the potential to delay t...

New Vaccine Will Stop Ebola
New Aerosol Vaccine Protects Primates Against Ebola
A new type of vaccine has been created that could prove immensely helpful in preventing and fighting future Ebola outbreaks. A team at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston along with the Nat...

A Universal Flu Vaccine
For a long time, researchers and scientists have been seeking a vaccine that would treat all of the various types of the flu. Each year doctors try to predict which flu strains will be prevalent and then make a vaccine based on those predictions. Sometimes...

Deadly Side Effects of Birth Control Pills
A new documentary film is centered around that question, taking on the mission of investigating the safety of birth control pills. While these pills were first introduced to “treat” pregnancy, their use and prescription has increased. With some pills being...

Mazda Recall: Mazda 6 Airbags Could Explode
The company recently announced it plans to recall various Mazda 6 cars that were manufactured between 2003 and 2008. The company announced that it believes the airbags found in these cars may run the risk of moisture intrusion and a number of other factors...