Tagged as: Death

Food Safety Recall: Del Monte Granny Smith Apples Linked To Bacterial Infection
Del Monte Fresh Produce has issued a voluntary recall of more than 750 packages of Granny Smith green apples contaminated with a dangerous bacterial organism. The bacteria, known as listeria monocytogenes, attacks the immune systems of children, elderly an...

Major Causes Of Premature Death Worldwide
A 23-year study shows that smoking, high blood pressure and poor diet are major causes of premature death in the U.S.The Australian study illustrates global trends related to changing risk factors that lead to early death. Identifying these factors can...

Men seeking youth may actually find death
Watch any football game or a news program, and you’re almost sure to see one of those commercials about how a-little-dab’ll-do-ya of testosterone can banish the “low-T” blues and put spark back into your life.
The ads work. Almost 3 percent of American men ag...