If you have suffered a side effect from your testosterone prescription, please request a free, no obligation case evaluation.
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Prescription testosterone is a drug used to treat hypogonadism. This condition has also been called “Low T.” It is a common condition for men as they begin to age. It is caused when testosterone, a hormone that promotes masculine growth within the body, decreases. When this happens, men can experience a wide variety of symptoms including decreased energy and less sexual drive.
Prescription testosterone works by increasing the amount of testosterone within the body. While an increased amount of testosterone can result in many benefits for men experiencing a lesser amount of testosterone, there are also a number of dangerous side effects that can occur as a result of taking the drug. Below are some of the most common and dangerous side effects associated with prescription testosterone:
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Prescription testosterone can result in a condition known as deep vein thrombosis. When taking the drug, it is possible that a blood clot can form deep within the veins of one’s legs. This blood clot can result in pain and swelling that is often not too significant. However, on occasion the blood clot can dislodge itself from the vein in the leg and spread to other parts of the body causing a number of other associated risks. One of these risks is known as a pulmonary embolism.
Pulmonary Embolism
A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot gets lodged within one of the veins of the lungs. This condition is serious and can sometimes even lead to death. Less serious symptoms include difficulty breathing and an increased heart rate. It is also possible to faint due to a lack of iar. It is important to seek medical assistance if any of these conditions occur.
Heart Attack
One of the most common significant side effects that has been linked to the use of prescription testosterone is heart attack. It was discovered that men taking prescription testosterone that were over 50 were twice as likely to suffer from a heart attack than those that were not taking the drug. In men under 50, it was found that taking prescription increased the risk of heart attack by as much as three times the amount as those not taking the drug.
Enlarged Breasts
Multiple men have experienced an enlargement of the breasts after taking prescription testosterone. By taking hormonal supplements, other hormones that occur naturally within the body can become out of balance, which can result in other hormonal complications such as enlarged breasts.
More Red Blood Cells
Another side effect that can occur as a result of taking prescription testosterone is an increased number of red blood cells being created within the body. These red blood cells pose a number of risks including greater chance of blood clots forming.
Prostate Cancer
It has been shown that men taking prescription testosterone face a greater possibility of developing prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate.
Because prescription testosterone can increase the chance of developing blood clots, there is a significantly larger risk of stroke for those that take the drug. There are many cases of people who have taken prescription testosterone suffering from life-changing strokes shortly after starting the drug.
The FDA is currently investigating the potential for the increased risk of death as a result of taking prescription testosterone. Because of the serious nature of many of the side effects associated with prescription testosterone, it is no surprise death is a side effect.
Medical Compensation for Side Effects
Lawsuits can be filed against the pharmaceutical companies behind your testosterone replacement therapy. If you have suffered a side effect from your testosterone prescription, please request a free, no obligation case evaluation.
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