All posts by: CitizensReport
Frequent Shallow Fracking Threatens Drinking Water
Fracking, a technique designed to recover gas and oil from shale rock, is a controversial process. Opponents of fracking argue that the drilling process could contaminate the water table, but its supporters claim that the practice is carried out at such de...
Executives Responsible For Peanut Butter Recall To Be Sentenced
Peanut butter has been a snack time favorite for kids and adults since its was invented in the 19th century. It’s chock full of protein, potassium, fiber, magnesium, healthy fats, Vitamin E and antioxidants. But if contaminated with salmonella, it can pois...
America’s Attitude On Calorie Consumption Is Finally Changing
As America’s waistline grew, the nation’s eating habits continued to worsen. In previous decades, statistics reflected a trend that showed a larger number of overweight and obese people in the population, which coincided with increasing instances of chroni...
Organ transplant rejection may not be permanent
Receiving an organ transplant is a trying experience for anyone. Often times, they are the result of an organ failure or a traumatic health event. The surgeries required to do the transplant are often costly and risky to perform.Not only do patients th...
New drug may slow Alzheimer’s disease
According to the Alzheimer's Society, about 44 million people suffer from dementia across the globe. By 2050, 135 million people are predicted to develop the slow-acting, deadly disease.Research shows that a new drug could have the potential to delay t...
Does dementia develop faster in women or men?
Women and men are inherently different, even in the way that diseases develop in the human body.A new study from Duke University suggests that dementia progresses faster in women than in men. For older adults, the decline of mental facilities will occu...
Science Explains ‘Dad Bod’ – It’s not your fault, it’s your child’s
As it turns out, dads do gain weight after having children. Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine conducted a study that indicates that men who had children both gained weight and experienced an increase in body fat.“Fatherhood can affe...
Find Out How Good Your Surgeon Before Going Under
Organization Releases Ratings of Surgeons
The Consumers’ Checkbook/Center for the Study of Services recently released a listing of ratings of surgeons throughout the United States. The ratings looked at 14 of the more major surgeries that occur on a regular...
Scientists Discover First Genetic Links to Depression
The quest to discover a link between genetics and depression has been a long and arduous one. After two recent studies of 9,000 and 17,000 people with depression came up empty-handed, many people called Jonathan Flint stupid for attempting yet another stud...