All posts by: CitizensReport
AT&T Misled Customers About 25 Million Times For $300 Million
AT&T may have redefined the word “unlimited,” and not in the favor of its customers.The nation’s second-largest cellular carrier allegedly slowed down the Internet service of about 3.5 million users under its unlimited data plan.Thousands of users ...
The Ebola Vaccine Debate: Ethics and Profit
Ebola Debate
Turn on the news and chances are you will be hear about the Ebola virus.The 2014 Ebola epidemic is noted as the largest in history, especially affecting West African countries Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. And with 13,567 people known to ...
Killing For Profit – Selling AIDS
Bayer Purposely Sold AIDS-contaminated Blood Around the World
Big Pharma should not be trusted blindly. Pharmaceutical companies have shown they are willing to put profits before people: lying about side effects, faking clinical trials to ge...
The Danger of Power Morcellation Surgery in Treating Uterine Fibroids
According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 80% of African American women and 70% of Caucasian women will develop uterine fibroids, benign tumors that grow in the uterus, by the age of 50. Although no one knows exactly what causes these growths, ...
More bad behavior in the banking industry leads to . . . fines
It's time we open our eyes. Yes, the rich are different from you and me – and that includes the banking industry.The latest exposure of massive misdeeds in the financial world – all things being uncovered now in the wake of the big downturn – points to ban...
The State of Kentucky v. OxyContin
One billion dollars. That is how much the makers of OxyContin are being sued for by the state of Kentucky.Kentucky is a state that has been rampaged by OxyContin addiction. The government there is blaming Purdue Pharma LP, the makers of OxyContin, for crea...
Big Pharma Influencing Med Students and Doctors
You attend your first day of medical school. You anxiously carry your mountain of books, take out your laptop and start vigorously typing notes on every word your professor says.After sleepless nights and chugging gallons of coffee, the semester comes to a...
The Other Kind of Drug Dealing
Direct to Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising
While you are watching television, browsing through the Internet or simply listening to the radio on your way to work, chances are you will be bombarded by drug advertisements. The level of pharmaceutical advertis...
Hyundai and Kia’s Misleading Gas Mileage
The Environmental Protection Agency, with the help of the Department of Justice, laid the smack down on two automotive giants. For overstating the gas mileage of 1.2 million vehicles, Hyundai and Kia were forced to pay the price. The settlement includes a $100...