
College Students Prefer Marijuana Over Tobacco Cigarettes
When college students take a smoke break, it's more than likely that they aren't smoking a cigarette. In fact, they're probably picking up a pipe.Studies show more teens and young adults regularly smoke marijuana instead of cigarettes, which illustrate...

Medical Associations Speak Out Against Insurance Mergers
The American insurance market is dominated by five multibillion dollar conglomerates who have the power to set prices, reduce output and impact customer choice.Two mergers have been proposed that would reduce the number of major insurers from five to t...

Veteran Experimental Test Subjects Sue Military For Health Care
The U.S. military conducted experiments on tens of thousands of American troops for 53 years. Although the service members voluntarily agreed to participate, information about potential health risks was kept secret.At the time, the troops believed the ...

Smoking Marijuana Could Lower Sperm Count
Marijuana is used for a variety of medical and recreational purposes throughout the United States. Marijuana is generally considered to be a mild drug with therapeutic benefits, and it is now legal in 23 states and in Washington, D.C.Marijuana is known...

Is Vaping E-Cigs Safer Than Smoking Tobacco?
Vapes are popping up everywhere -- at parties, restaurants, and even in the workplace.Health organizations in some countries believe that vaping is better for the body, but conflicting research on the side effects of e-cigarettes and their ability to ...

Number Of 9/11-Linked Cancers Nears Four Thousand
No American will ever forget the attacks that took place on September 11, 2001.Millions tuned in to the news as two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers. While some fled New York City and others watched in disbelief from out-of-state homes, FDN...

Despite Government Efforts Nursing Home Abuse Continues
Joseph Shepter, 76, was a retired scientist who spent his last days paralyzed from a stroke and suffering from dementia in a nursing home in Mountain Mesa, California. The medical report said Shepter died in January 2007 from heart failure caused by clogge...

Everyday Errors On Your Credit Score
If you're looking to take a loan, lease a car or negotiate a mortgage, you won't be approved unless you have a good credit score. A credit score is important and people often trust that it has been calculated correctly. But according to research, credit sc...

Unusually Fast Ebola Vaccine Trials Prove Successful
The epidemic in West Africa may finally come to an end after a new drug proved 100 percent successful in recent trials. Research that would have normally taken a decade was completed in just 12 months, which means the speed of the drug’s development is unp...

Organ transplant rejection may not be permanent
Receiving an organ transplant is a trying experience for anyone. Often times, they are the result of an organ failure or a traumatic health event. The surgeries required to do the transplant are often costly and risky to perform.Not only do patients th...