Diabetes – Citizens Report https://citizensreport.org a digital channel commited to health & medical rights. Mon, 20 Jan 2025 06:33:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.26 https://citizensreport.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/cropped-cr-icon-1-32x32.png Diabetes – Citizens Report https://citizensreport.org 32 32 Safety Reminders For Blood Sugar Testing https://citizensreport.org/2018/02/02/safe-blood-sugar-testing/ Sat, 03 Feb 2018 00:48:04 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=12125 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. For newly diagnosed patients, blood sugar testing with glucose meters may seem daunting.  Though it requires an intentional effort, properly managing diabetes is key to staying healthy and avoiding complications that can be caused by the disease, such as nerve damage, Alzheimer’s or poor blood flow.  […]

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1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. For newly diagnosed patients, blood sugar testing with glucose meters may seem daunting. 

Though it requires an intentional effort, properly managing diabetes is key to staying healthy and avoiding complications that can be caused by the disease, such as nerve damage, Alzheimer’s or poor blood flow. 

Regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), glucose meters allow diabetes patients to measure the amount of glucose in their blood. The medical devices alert patients to dangerously high glucose and provide information on how certain foods and physical activities affect sugar levels.

Glucose meters and test strips can be life-saving, so making sure diabetes management equipment functions properly is essential.  Here are some FDA tips for managing diabetes with glucose meters and test strips.  

Checklist For Blood Sugar Testing

Did you buy a new glucose meter and unused test strips?

When purchasing glucose meters and test strips, it’s important to buy new, unused equipment. While some manufacturers attempt to markdown pre-owned glucose meters as an added incentive, the FDA urges patients to avoid secondhand strips altogether.

Though it isn’t illegal to sell pre-owned test strips, the devices may have been improperly stored, tampered with or expired. Used test strips may also cause infection if blood particles are present. Additionally, some test strips may be imported from other countries, meaning they haven’t been examined for U.S. quality standards.

“Pre-owned test strips can give incorrect results and may not be safe to use with your device,” according to the agency. “So the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends that you do not buy or sell previously owned glucose test strips.”

Did you read the instructions and quality check your device?

Each glucose meter comes with instructions, so it’s important to review the package insert to understand how the device functions. The instructions also include information on how to use a control solution to be sure your meter is providing accurate results.

Patients are encouraged to test their equipment regularly. Specifics on how often to conduct the tests are included in the instruction manual.

Do you understand how to test yourself and read the results?

Some test sites may give more accurate results than others. While patients can get a glucose reading from the forearm or palm, pricking the fingertip will provide the most accurate results. The fingertip gives the most immediate results, especially if glucose levels changed rapidly after eating or exercising.

Glucose meters may have different methods of displaying values. Some meters uses a “LO” and “HI” symbol to indicate the blood sugar level has exceeded beyond a number measurable by the device. Patients should familiarize themselves with the display of their individual meter to understand it’s unique messaging. 

Do you clean and disinfect your glucose meter?

For some, blood sugar testing is required throughout the day. It’s important to make sure glucose meters are clean and safe to use. Each meter will come with instructions on how to properly disinfect the equipment, and how often it should be cleaned. 

After reading the instructions, the FDA encourages patients to test themselves in front of their doctors to confirm the device has been used correctly. To make sure the device is working at its highest caliber, patients should go over the entire process of conducting a glucose level test, analyzing the results and then clean equipment with a physician.

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The Real Benefits of Drinking Green Tea https://citizensreport.org/2017/02/07/green-tea-benefits/ Tue, 07 Feb 2017 20:48:49 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=11970 Healers have promoted green tea as a powerful elixir for centuries. Packed with potent plant-based benefits, continued consumption of green tea is believed to have strong effects on health. Green tea benefits naturally improve overall wellbeing.  Green tea’s long-standing reputation has led to coverage in health magazines and blogs, but research on the benefits of […]

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Healers have promoted green tea as a powerful elixir for centuries. Packed with potent plant-based benefits, continued consumption of green tea is believed to have strong effects on health. Green tea benefits naturally improve overall wellbeing. 

Green tea’s long-standing reputation has led to coverage in health magazines and blogs, but research on the benefits of the beverage have been mixed.

Supporters assert green tea aids in weight loss, improves blood flow, lowers cholesterol, helps with cardiovascular health and even has a positive impact on cancer. It’s important to review the data to understand the specific reasons for incorporating green tea into your diet.

About Green Tea Benefits

Green tea contains flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants derived from plants. Among other ingredients, green tea has an active substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a catechin, which boosts the metabolism, stops cell damage and slows the development of diseases.

Systems in the body are interconnected. When something benefits the heart, it’s likely it will also benefit the brain and blood vessels. Green tea has been known to improve various bodily functions and processes, including:

  • Weight loss
  • Diabetes
  • Cholesterol
  • Brain Health
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Cancer
  • Relaxation

In the Data

Researchers have begun to examine green tea in an effort to provide clear-cut evidence about its benefits. The University of Maryland Medical Center, along with WebMD and others, have outlined a number of health claims associated with drinking green tea.

Weight Loss

One of the most popular claims associated with green tea is weight loss, though researchers have not come to a solid consensus. While some studies show EGCG can promote weight loss by boosting the metabolism, others show no significant link. However, green tea is a good option for individuals looking to cut sugar-laden soda consumption, which can lead to obesity.

For this reason, green tea is also regarded as a good addition to diabetes treatments. Catechins in green tea are believed to reduce blood sugar and keep levels stable. 


Green tea contains antioxidants that raise good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol. The polyphenols work to stop the absorption of the negative cholesterol, helping the arteries to function better. The oxidation of bad cholesterol is blocked, helping to reduce levels in the blood.

The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study conducted in China that illustrated drinking green tea can reduce the risk of developing hypertension by 46 to 65 percent. Another study showed “men who drink green tea are more likely to have lower total cholesterol than those who do not drink green tea,” according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Brain Function

A study conducted by the University of Basel in Switzerland linked green tea benefits to better memory function. The researchers took MRIs of people who drank green tea and discovered their working-memory was improved. Green tea also slows the formation of Alzheimer’s disease by stopping plaques from forming in the brain.

“The MRI showed increased connectivity between the parietal and the frontal cortex of the brain,” according to researchers. “These neuronal findings correlated positively with improvement in task performance of the participants.”

Cardiovascular Health

The antioxidants in green tea show that it also helps the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The properties of green tea that improve blood pressure work to prevent coronary artery disease, heart failure and other cardiac issues.

In 2013, researchers reviewed a number of studies and confirmed the preventative benefits of green tea in the cardiovascular system. The studies, carried out over extended periods, included large sample groups to understand how tea affects people with different diet and lifestyles.

Studies show that the risk of heart disease is lowered when bad cholesterol is reduced. Researchers found that drinking three cups of tea per day decreases the risk of heart attack by 11 percent.


Scientists have found evidence showing green tea can have a positive impact on skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal, and bladder cancer. While green tea benefits should not be used as a singular treatment for cancer, it has been proven to help healthy cells grow stronger.

The polyphenols in green tea are believed to help prevent cancer, with a correlation between the fact that tea consumption is high while cancer rates are low in Asian countries. According to the National Cancer Institute, it “does not recommend for or against the use of tea to reduce the risk of any type of cancer.”


Because it allows you to slow down, drinking tea has a positive effect on stress. Green tea contains theanine, an amino acid that binds to GABA receptors, changes brain waves and calms the nervous system.

The theanine compound has been shown to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and improve sleep. Green tea contains the highest amount of theanine.

A Daily Routine

According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch, the best way to maximize the green tea benefits is by drinking three cups a day. Consuming tea multiple times a day will help the body to utilize its potent compounds.

Catechins are best absorbed when consumed fresh, after letting the tea steep for three to five minutes. Steer clear of decaffeinated, instant and bottled teas, which are less powerful. Be sure to prepare the tea yourself.

In some cases, an ingredient present in tea called tannin may affect nutrient absorption. Always drink tea between meals to maintain your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from fruits and vegetables, according to Harvard Women’s Health Watch.

Tea can impede the absorption of iron from fruits and vegetables. The addition of lemon or milk in the tea can help, too.

While green tea doesn’t provide a definite cure-all, research has shown it can offer a number of benefits with regular and proper consumption.

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6 Health Tips For Better Aging https://citizensreport.org/2017/01/26/health-tips-better-aging/ Thu, 26 Jan 2017 17:29:14 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=11933 As the years pass, it may become more and more difficult to maintain overall health. The chaos of juggling a family, climbing a career ladder or managing a mortgage may reduce your ability to stick to a routine. With other challenges on the horizon, following preventative health tips often takes a backseat. Setting clear wellness […]

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As the years pass, it may become more and more difficult to maintain overall health. The chaos of juggling a family, climbing a career ladder or managing a mortgage may reduce your ability to stick to a routine. With other challenges on the horizon, following preventative health tips often takes a backseat.

Setting clear wellness goals will make a big difference as you move through the decades. It’s important to remember a healthy brain and body improves functioning in all aspects of your life. If you start a self-care system now, all you’ll have to worry about is some stray grays and a few wrinkles—better known as laugh lines, of course. Aging individuals are also prone to vascular conditions like varicose veins or venous ulcers so it is advised to seek treatment at foxvalleysurgical.com/vein-clinic/treatments/

Experts have come to a consensus about the most prominent health tips and practices to keep you feeling fresh, young and ready to take on the next task. We’ve curated an outline of basic reminders for a better you. 

Check out our top six health tips:

Diet and Exercise

A better diet and more exercise are regarded as the cornerstones of optimal health. But with so many fad diets, exercise tools and general industry mumbo jumbo, it may be hard to find a place to start.

It’s essential to consume fruits, vegetables and whole grains, in addition to protein and vitamins like calcium and B12. According to the American Heart Association, there are a few basic dietary guidelines to stick to:

  • Use at least as many calories as you take in
  • Eat a variety of nutritious foods from all the food groups
  • Eat less of the nutrient-poor foods, such as foods high in saturated fat, trans fat and sodium

When it comes to exercise, research shows that adults should engage in  30 minutes of moderate physical exercise five days a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity three days a week. Of course, it’s important to remember that everyone is different.

Developing a personalized plan based on your age, gender and medical history is the best bet. Also, if you have specific goals for your diet and exercise, like losing weight or getting more toned, Prevention provides a guide on how to target your focus.

Diabetes Prevention

A sweet tooth is a common, and seemingly harmless, everyday vice. But the majority of people develop diabetes later in life. In fact, symptoms may not show until you hit your mid-40’s. Type 2 diabetes, also known as gestational diabetes, can sneak up on you and cause serious complications down the line.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body can no longer produce the right amount of insulin. A sedentary lifestyle compounded with excess weight and high sugar consumption exacerbates the risk of type 2 diabetes, among other factors.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases provides more than 50 ways to prevent type 2 diabetes, such as reducing portion sizes, dancing regularly and buying a reusable water bottle to deter you from drinking sugary drinks.

If you think you may be at risk for diabetes, you should also follow self-screening instructions available at DoIHavePrediabetes.org and make an appointment with a physician as soon as possible. You should also check your teeth if they’re decaying because of your sweets intake. Consult an expert like Durham Dental services and get them checked.

Balance Training

As you get older, your bones begin to weaken and become less able to withstand injury. For some, osteoporosis is a looming risk. Ans depending on your age and medical history, a slip or fall could be fatal.

By developing mind and body awareness, you’ll cultivate better balance when cooking, cleaning or on the go. But if you need structure, yoga is a great place to start.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, yoga is one of the top 10 most popular health approaches. Yoga provides clear-cut pose routines to help you stay focused and on your feet.

Even better, you don’t need to sign up for expensive weekly classes. Download free yoga sessions at Yoga Academy, or visit YouTube to start a daily practice at home.

Posture Awareness

While the promotion may be great for your resume, it might not be the best thing for your health. If you work in an office, it’s likely that you spend a lot of time hunched over a computer screen.

Hunchback, referred to in the scientific community as kyphosis, is the development of an abnormal curvature of the spine. Kyphosis affects the cervical, thoracic and sacral regions. Researchers have linked it to complications such as arthritis, Scheuermann’s disease and osteoporosis.

While yoga helps to release tension in the spine, posture braces may be a good option for when you’re sitting, crunching numbers or staring at a screen. And while a brace may not force your back to stay straight, it will provide a gentle reminder to correct your stance. Spine Universe discusses the benefits of bracing and if it’s an appropriate treatment for you.

Sexual Activity

Many people are surprised to learn that sex is healthy. Once you’re protected against disease or unintended pregnancy, sex can be healing for both the mind and body. To know more about pregnancy options, check out resources such as Your Loving Choices.

Regular sexual activity brings a number of positive biological and psychological impacts. One study, published in the Public Library of Science journal, illustrates that sex can be used for cardiovascular exercise. The benefits of sexual activity also include increased circulation, headache relief and improved sleep.

According to experts similar to those at https://aledoempoweredwellness.com/, sex and intimate touch release a hormone called oxytocin, which increases social bonding and reduces stress. According to Healthline, sex has a number of additional benefits, including:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Burning calories
  • Increasing heart health
  • Strengthening muscles
  • Reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension
  • Increasing libido

However, as you age, it may be harder to perform in the bedroom. If you’re having difficulties in your sex life, be honest with your partner. Together, you can find a plan to boost your sex life. If you need help working up to open communication, talk to a physician or sex therapist who can offer you resources for dysfunction. 

Practicing Self-Care

Finding time for yourself on a busy day can be difficult. It may seem like there’s never a moment to relax, take a step back and breathe. Eating right, exercising daily and sleeping at least eight hours each night are essential to overall health. But even if you’re keeping up with the major tenants, there are other parts of self-care that may be left out. 

Emerging science has started to confirm the benefits of mindfulness, defined by the American Psychological Association (APA) as “a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment.”

Mindfulness cultivates gratitude and encourages you to care for yourself in new ways, mentally and physically. Multiply your winnings with ชนะมากขึ้นที่ UFABET.group. Mindfulness also has other benefits, according to the APA, including:

  • Reduced rumination
  • Stress reduction
  • Boosts to working memory
  • Focus
  • More cognitive flexibility
  • Relationship satisfaction
  • Enhanced insight and intuition

Specialized geriatric psychiatry teams monitor age-related mental health changes through regular assessments. Remember, change takes time. If you have trouble creating a new routine that works for you, don’t be embarrassed to seek help. The organization Find Mindfulness offers introductory courses for daily practices and meditation. However, there are a number of free guided meditations available as online podcasts on YouTube or Spotify. Online casinos can also offer an entertaining and engaging way to relieve stress. Plus, with online casinos, you can experience the rush of gambling without even leaving your home. So, why not check this review and see if gambling can be your stress reliever. You can also check out online casino platforms like level up casino NZ for exciting prizes!

When your mind and body are working together cohesively, you’re able to be your best self. And that’s something we can all get behind, no matter our age, current habits or everyday challenges. Here’s to a better you! 

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Studies Show Exercise Can Prevent Diabetes https://citizensreport.org/2017/01/05/study-exercise-prevent-diabetes/ Thu, 05 Jan 2017 22:04:48 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=11898 A new study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh illustrates that exercise can do more to prevent diabetes than drugs. The study examined the impact of type II diabetes medications compared with long-term fitness habits, asserting that regularly walking and working to lose weight makes an important difference. Researchers found that by decreasing body weight […]

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A new study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh illustrates that exercise can do more to prevent diabetes than drugs.

The study examined the impact of type II diabetes medications compared with long-term fitness habits, asserting that regularly walking and working to lose weight makes an important difference.

Researchers found that by decreasing body weight by 7 percent and walking 150 minutes weekly, patients also decreased their risk of developing diabetes.

What is Type II Diabetes?

Source: Paleo Treats

Type II diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are higher than normal, which is an effect of the body’s inability to make enough insulin. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association.

Overall, sedentary behavior is a major risk factor for chronic illness. Known causes of diabetes include weight gain, poor diet and inactivity.

About The Study

The study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, tracked the health of patients involved in the Diabetes Prevention Program more than a decade ago. A percentage of the participants continued to exercise more than the average person, whereas some participants and the average person were similarly inactive.

Through the long-term data analysis, researchers discovered that “lifestyle intervention was effective at increasing moderate physical activity more than 10 years into the [prevention program] follow-up.” The program achieved “long-term improvements in moderate activity levels.”

Data came from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and test results from an ActiGraph accelerometer, which tracks exercise levels. The method was used in place of merely analyzing self-reported questionnaires.

“What we ended up finding from accelerometer data was some evidence of a lasting effect, as the [prevention program] participants had higher physical activity levels than the general population,” study author Bonny Rockette-Wagner, University of Pittsburgh, told Post Gazette News.

Modest weight loss and regular exercise is associated with 58 percent higher rate of success in preventing diabetes when compared to metformin, the standard treatment for type II, which has a 31 percent success rate.

The Diabetes Prevention Program study proved exercise and weight loss prevented diabetes better than drugs. The long-term studies are considered to be a rare representation of diabetes prevention research.

Fitness Takeaways

Source: Pixabay

As people age, the amount of physical activity decreases. In addition, research shows that people with diabetes are less likely to incorporate physical activity.

Researchers noted that the main obstacle to lifestyle changes as a preventative diabetes treatment is the ability to persuade patients that fitness makes a tangible difference. The research illustrates that active habits prevent type II diabetes by limiting known causes of illness.

With scientists confirming that exercise and weight loss are more effective than preventing diabetes, getting out and engaging your body is essential.

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Danish Pharmaceutical Company Brings Cheaper Insulin To America https://citizensreport.org/2015/10/19/novo-nordisk-tresiba-insulin/ https://citizensreport.org/2015/10/19/novo-nordisk-tresiba-insulin/#respond Tue, 20 Oct 2015 03:59:34 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=8912 Danish multinational pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk has been working unceasingly to get its insulin product Tresiba approved for sale in the American diabetes drug market. The FDA rejected the company’s first attempt but allowed a major competitor’s drug, called Toujeo, to hit markets in April. Now that the FDA has recently decided to allow Tresiba to […]

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Danish Pharmaceutical Company Novo Nordisk Approved To Introduce Tresiba To American Drug Market

The FDA has approved Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk’s insulin drug Tresiba, which is set to be sold at a lower price than international competitors.

Danish multinational pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk has been working unceasingly to get its insulin product Tresiba approved for sale in the American diabetes drug market.

The FDA rejected the company’s first attempt but allowed a major competitor’s drug, called Toujeo, to hit markets in April.

Now that the FDA has recently decided to allow Tresiba to enter the arena, it will be interesting to see how the drug is priced and received by doctors and patients.

An Edge In A Competative Market

Many international drug companies have attempted to break into the diabetes drug market, including French multinational pharmaceutical company Sanofi.
Image: Daily Times Gazette

Despite the celebration over the approval, Tresiba will still lack the FDA label that could spark its popularity. Although the drug is associated with heart safety and fewer episodes of hypoglycemia, the FDA is not planning on publicizing it as a comparative benefit.

Hypoglycemia is a common side effect of using insulin. With knowledge of the reduced side effects, patients may gravitate toward the new drug.

Sanofi’s drug Lantus is the most popular player. For this reason, other pharmaceutical companies will have to work harder to help their drugs gain the clout they desire.

Sanofi announced Toujeo about six months ago, and it’s likely the company is ready to launch advertising campaigns. Tresiba has about six months to go before Novo can begin public advertising.

Ronny Gal, an analyst for Bernstein & Co., said Novo’s “investment in marketing and sales has been extensive.” Novo brought in hundreds of new drug reps during the first attempt to get Tresiba approved.

However, Novo admits that Tresiba will be priced moderately in comparison to older basal insulin Levemir and Sanofi’s drug Lantus. Analysts predicted lower pricing would add appeal to new drugs entering the market.

Some predict a pricing war on the horizon between major providers and pharmacy benefits managers. Novo is looking to gain traction with “more permissive” health care plans along with the hope to persuade payers that Tresiba is worth the price.

Novo’s statement on the FDA approval illustrates a potential marketing tactic for Tresiba, which will be officially launched in the first quarter of 2016.

“[W]e are proud to bring forward the first new basal insulin molecule to be approved by the FDA in 10 years,” Novo’s U.S. chief, Jesper Høiland, said in a statement.


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Antibiotics Linked To Type 2 Diabetes https://citizensreport.org/2015/09/16/antibiotics-type-2-diabetes/ https://citizensreport.org/2015/09/16/antibiotics-type-2-diabetes/#respond Wed, 16 Sep 2015 15:57:17 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=7762 Although most doctors agree that obesity, genetics and inactivity play a role in the development of diabetes, health professionals have yet to discover the true cause. A new study illustrates that Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the metabolic disease, may be linked to antibiotic use. According to Danish researchers, antibiotics may negatively […]

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Antibiotic Use Could Reduce Gut Flora And Cause Insulin Sensitivity

Danish researchers found that increased antibiotic use may be tied to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Although most doctors agree that obesity, genetics and inactivity play a role in the development of diabetes, health professionals have yet to discover the true cause.

A new study illustrates that Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the metabolic disease, may be linked to antibiotic use.

According to Danish researchers, antibiotics may negatively influence gut bacteria, which would impact the body’s natural glucose tolerance and management abilities.

The Study

The frequent overprescription of antibiotics could play a role in the widespread issues such as insulin sensitivity and weight gain.
Image: Biotiful Dairy

In 2013 it was estimated that over 382 million people throughout the world had diabetes. About 90 percent of cases are diagnosed as type 2.

The study, a population-based case-control analysis, was published in the  Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. The research was conducted from Jan. 1, 2000 to Dec. 31, 2012. Data was pulled from the Danish National Registry of Patients, the Danish National Prescription Registry and the Danish Person Registry.

In 2012, Danish researchers conducted a correlational study that included 170,504 patients with Type 2 diabetes. The researchers matched these cases with 1,364,008 control subjects without diabetes. Through government databases, researchers analyzed the amount of times the participants used antibiotics for the last 13 years.

The researchers compared the health of patients who didn’t use antibiotics with those who did. Patients who filled two to four prescriptions had a 23 percent higher risk for diabetes, whereas those who filled five or more had a 53 percent higher risk for developing the disease.

The Conclusion

A definite link between antibiotics and diabetes has not yet been confirmed despite a clear correlation in the study. Researchers will continue to learn about the effects of antibiotics on the gut and metabolism.
Image:Raw Story

The research concludes that insulin sensitivity may be caused by how the body reacts to antibiotics. Antibiotics may disrupt the natural flora in the gut, which could influence the metabolization of glucose.

Gut flora is part of a complex community of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. It is an important part of human health.

“In animal studies, antibiotic treatment has been shown to affect glucose and insulin metabolism,” said the lead author, Dr. Kristian Hallundbaek Mikkelsen of the Center for Diabetes Research at Gentofte Hospital in Copenhagen.

“What we see in animals may be happening in people, and if so, then there are more good reasons to be strict about antibiotic prescription policy,” she said.

Researchers made sure to note that reverse causation could be a potential reason for the correlation between developing diabetes and using antibiotics. Reverse causation posits that people with diabetes or people at high risk of developing diabetes may already be taking more antibiotics than others.

Although reverse causation is a possibility, the increased risk was visible up to 15 years before a diabetes diagnosis. According to the study, the results call for new investigations of the long-term effect of antibiotics on lipid and glucose metabolism and weight gain.

“In particular, we suggest investigation of commonly used narrow-spectrum penicillins because these drugs are frequently prescribed and showed the highest OR for type 2 diabetes risk,” the study said.

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A Cure for Obesity and Diabetes https://citizensreport.org/2014/12/24/cure-for-obesity-diabetes-found-in-lab-mice/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/12/24/cure-for-obesity-diabetes-found-in-lab-mice/#respond Wed, 24 Dec 2014 15:41:25 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=4267 Researchers at Indiana University and the German Research Center for Environmental Health recently announced they developed a new treatment for obesity and adult-onset diabetes. They claim their treatment improved glucose sensitivity, reduced appetite and enhanced calorie burning in lab mice, thereby curing them of obesity and diabetes. I know what you’re wondering. What was this […]

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Researchers at Indiana University and the German Research Center for Environmental Health recently announced they developed a new treatment for obesity and adult-onset diabetes. They claim their treatment improved glucose sensitivity, reduced appetite and enhanced calorie burning in lab mice, thereby curing them of obesity and diabetes.

I know what you’re wondering. What was this treatment? Were the mice fed only egg white omelets and half a grapefruit, then outfitted in very tiny yoga pants and tank tops and made to hit the miniature elliptical machine before tackling a rather intense Pilates workout?

Nope. The ‘treatment’ is a new pharmaceutical drug, a new peptide if you will, that combines three gastrointestinal hormones which lower blood sugar levels and reduce body fat better than any other existing drug on the market. These new single-cell molecules with triple-hormone action (that will sound good in the commercial) are called triple agonists and have the ability to bind to and activate receptors to produce desired biological responses.

Human clinical trials are being overseen by… wait for it… Roche (there’s a shocker).

Okay, let’s review what we’ve just learned. Big pharma has created the latest and greatest weight loss pill that essentially activates the body and makes it ‘eat less’ and “exercise more.’ Sales of this new miracle pill, once it hits the market, will no doubt speedily climb into the billions of dollars.

How You Can Lose Weight and Prevent Diabetes Naturally

Do we really need another pill to help us be healthy? Right now you might be saying, “But people don’t really have control whether they develop diabetes or not, it’s genetic.” I, and some fine data shared by Harvard School of Public Health, would reply that, yes, your genes may influence your development of adult-onset (Type 2) diabetes to some extent, but genetics take a back seat to lifestyle factors.

A Nurses’ Health Study revealed that 90% of type 2 diabetes in women was linked to being overweight, a lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol use. 90% of women in this study developed diabetes because they made poor choices.

Humans don’t need a pill; we simply need to commit to our own health. We need to keep our weight at a healthy level (obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes by 20% – 40%) by making better food choices (more fruits, veggies and whole grains – less processed garbage) and exercising more (no need to run marathons – walking does the trick).

If You Already Have Diabetes

Until the day your doctor announces you are no longer diabetic and no longer require insulin, there are things you should do to manage your diabetes:

Be Aware of How an Illness Affects You

When you get sick with the cold or flu, your body produces stress-related hormones that help you fight off the virus. Be aware that these hormones can also raise your blood sugar levels. You will want to speak with your doctor and have a plan for sick days that outlines how to adjust your medication dosage. And, though you may want to eat comfort foods while sick, it’s obviously best to stick with your normal meal plans.

Monitor Your Glucose Levels Closely

Check to see what your blood sugar levels are throughout the day at different times and intervals. Doing so will help you determine whether the lifestyle changes you are making are effective.

Menstruation and Menopause

Your hormones play a huge role in diabetes management. Women need to understand this even more than men because they experience significant fluctuations in hormone levels every month before menstruation as well as in the years leading up to menopause.

Monitoring blood sugar levels more frequently is a good idea, as is speaking with your doctor about oral contraception. Although most are safe to use by diabetic women, some have the potential to raise glucose levels.

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Top 10 Diabetes Drugs https://citizensreport.org/2014/08/04/lipitor-side-effects-top-10-diabetes-drugs/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/08/04/lipitor-side-effects-top-10-diabetes-drugs/#respond Mon, 04 Aug 2014 23:47:41 +0000 http://www.citizensreport.org/?p=3577 Fierce Pharma recently published an article listing the top 10 diabetes drugs of 2013. They are as follows: Lantus Januvia NovoLog/NovoRapid Humalog Victoza Levemir Human insulin and devices Janumet NovoMix Humulin R A Growing Group of Diabetics Lipitor is a popular cholesterol-fighting drug. Many women who have taken this prescription drug have had the misfortune of […]

The post Top 10 Diabetes Drugs appeared first on Citizens Report.

Fierce Pharma recently published an article listing the top 10 diabetes drugs of 2013. They are as follows:

  1. Lantus
  2. Januvia
  3. NovoLog/NovoRapid
  4. Humalog
  5. Victoza
  6. Levemir
  7. Human insulin and devices
  8. Janumet
  9. NovoMix
  10. Humulin R

A Growing Group of Diabetics

Lipitor is a popular cholesterol-fighting drug. Many women who have taken this prescription drug have had the misfortune of developing type 2 diabetes as a side effect. Reports say that Lipitor may be linked with a 37% increase in the odds of developing diabetes in women.

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with diabetes while taking Lipitor, click here!

The post Top 10 Diabetes Drugs appeared first on Citizens Report.

https://citizensreport.org/2014/08/04/lipitor-side-effects-top-10-diabetes-drugs/feed/ 0
A cholesterol drug that comes with a side order of Diabetes https://citizensreport.org/2014/04/07/lipitor-is-a-cholesterol-drug-that-comes-with-a-side-order-of-diabetes/ https://citizensreport.org/2014/04/07/lipitor-is-a-cholesterol-drug-that-comes-with-a-side-order-of-diabetes/#respond Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:37:20 +0000 http://test.tigerdesign.me/?p=2679 People on a high-dose regimen of the cholesterol drug Lipitor may have a slightly increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes — particularly if they have several of the classic diabetes risk factors, a study published Monday finds. A number of studies have linked Lipitor (known generically as atorvastatin) and other cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to […]

The post A cholesterol drug that comes with a side order of Diabetes appeared first on Citizens Report.

People on a high-dose regimen of the cholesterol drug Lipitor may have a slightly increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes — particularly if they have several of the classic diabetes risk factors, a study published Monday finds.

A number of studies have linked Lipitor (known generically as atorvastatin) and other cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to a small increase in users’ risk of diabetes.

This latest study, based on data from three large clinical trials, strengthens evidence of a connection.

But it also suggests that the risk may largely exist among people who also have the well-known risk factors for type 2 diabetes — including excess weight, high blood sugar, elevated triglycerides (a type of blood fat) and high blood pressure.

Those four factors appear “very good at distinguishing people at high or low risk for developing new-onset diabetes with atorvastatin,” lead researcher Dr. David D. Waters, of the University of California at San Francisco, told Reuters Health in an email.

If you are a woman who was were diagnosed with Diabetes while taking Lipitor, click here!

Read more of the article.

Click here to learn more about the diabetes and other side effects of Lipitor, as well as the lawsuit settlements victims receive for their injuries.

Lipitor and 4 other dangerous medications in your medicine cabinet.

To learn about other drug side effects, their subsequent lawsuits and settlements, as well as other personal injury cases, CLICK HERE.

The post A cholesterol drug that comes with a side order of Diabetes appeared first on Citizens Report.

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