Tagged as: health care reform
Will Federal Regulators Take Action Against Pharmaceutical Price-Gouging?
Pharmaceutical companies have been notoriously price-gouging. The recent scandal centered around the ridiculously inflated cost of Daraprim showed how carelessly pricing is regulated.Many have been left wondering if federal lawmakers will take action a...
The Different Parts Of Medicare Open Enrollment
The annual open enrollment period for Medicare allows Americans to revise their insurance plans during Oct. 15 to Dec. 7.Medicare plans have a variety of different parts. It's important to know the basics of each one.
Participating In Open Enrollment
Cancer Medication Is Grossly Overpriced In The U.S.
Consumer surveys illustrate a serious and widespread concern, presidential candidates push health care reform in their political platforms and the media continues to publicize drug makers putting profits over people.The unreasonably high cost of pharma...