Tagged as: Heart Attack

Hidden Dangers of Energy Drinks
On a given night at the local bar, it's possible you've heard someone order a Redbull and Vodka. At a sporting event, you might have received a free Monster Energy when you entered the stadium. Or maybe, on a particularly busy day, you pondered picking up a 5-...

Natural, Drug-Free Ways To Combat Low Testosterone
Millions of men are using synthetic testosterone to treat low energy, low libido, depression and much more. Touted as a miracle medication, prescriptions for testosterone quadrupled between 2001 and 2011.While testosterone therapy allows older men to reap ...

Testosterone Therapy Warning
Everyday more and more men are taking a step to feel younger. Testosterone therapy is now seen as a way to feel better, more energetic, and even more “romantic.” The craze has gone strong in large part thanks to a media blitz by pharmaceutical companies. Those...

Men seeking youth may actually find death
Watch any football game or a news program, and you’re almost sure to see one of those commercials about how a-little-dab’ll-do-ya of testosterone can banish the “low-T” blues and put spark back into your life.
The ads work. Almost 3 percent of American men ag...