Tagged as: Monsanto

Monsanto Sued For Cancer-Causing Herbicide
Monsanto is famous for its bad reputation, but it seems that the consequences of the company's actions are finally catching up.Two individuals exposed to Monsanto's herbicide Roundup are suing the multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnolo...

Academics Pulled Into Battle For G.M.O Labeling
The sale of genetically modified seeds is booming. Monsanto, the largest seed producer in the world, wants to keep it that way.
Critics continue to attack genetically modified products, which has prompted the food producing giant to call upon academics and ...

Understanding Monsanto: Health Effects
As words like “organic” and “non-GMO” permeate our daily lives, we start to search for their true meaning. Although Monsanto is not the only company that produces genetically modified agriculture, its products and practices are a major focus of public contempt...

Monsanto is buying their way into your supermarkets
Monsanto and five other top agrochemical companies have donated a combined $455,000 to defeat an Oregon county ballot initiative that would restrict the growth of genetically-modified crops in area farms.The internationally-powerful “Big Six” chemical comp...