Tagged as: smoking

Marijuana Use Hinders School Success Despite Social Class
Researchers from Arizona State University conducted a study to determine if the link between smoking marijuana and poor performance in school was affected by the social class of the student.The data showed that cannabis users in both lower and upper ec...

E-Cigarettes Might Be A Gateway To Traditional Cigarettes
Vaping is a relatively new fad, and researchers all over the world are trying to figure out how it will impact the population.Because so many scientists are gathering data on vaping, the studies often conflict. Some support e-cigarettes as smoking cess...

Major Causes Of Premature Death Worldwide
A 23-year study shows that smoking, high blood pressure and poor diet are major causes of premature death in the U.S.The Australian study illustrates global trends related to changing risk factors that lead to early death. Identifying these factors can...

E-Cig Use in High Schoolers Rises to 2 Million
Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes or vaporizers, are battery-powered devices that produce similar effects to smoking tobacco. Although the health risks and benefits are controversial, the popularity of these nicotine vapor devices has increas...