Tagged as: Testosterone

Misleading Ad Campaigns Praise Low T Drugs
Ads convince elderly men that the effects of aging should be treated with Low T drugs, despite studies that link testosterone to cardiac issues and other injuries.

Natural, Drug-Free Ways To Combat Low Testosterone
Millions of men are using synthetic testosterone to treat low energy, low libido, depression and much more. Touted as a miracle medication, prescriptions for testosterone quadrupled between 2001 and 2011.While testosterone therapy allows older men to reap ...

Studies Link Low T Drugs To Heart Attacks In Elderly Men
Testosterone therapy, a popular hormone treatment for males, has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, prostate cancer and other serious conditions.While testosterone medication is used by different age groups and demographics, researchers have found ...

FDA Urges Low-T Drug Manufacturers To Fund Cooperative Trial
Men having trouble in the bedroom use Low-T drugs to give their testosterone levels a boost. However, these drugs are only approved to treat certain medical conditions.The frequency of the off-label use of testosterone drugs has prompted the FDA to cal...

Testosterone Drug Overrun By Lawsuits
The number of lawsuits against AndroGel, filed by patients that have suffered heart attacks and strokes, was so high that a panel of judges decided to consolidate all the cases under one courthouse's roof.The judicial panel's decision to have all the cases...

The New Way To Fight Low T
Men suffering from "Low T" have been rubbing testosterone onto their armpits, injecting it into their muscles, and now, with FDA approval, men seeking the fountain of youth can take the prescription drug through their nose.
A New Testosterone Drug
Natesto, t...

Testosterone Therapy Warning
Everyday more and more men are taking a step to feel younger. Testosterone therapy is now seen as a way to feel better, more energetic, and even more “romantic.” The craze has gone strong in large part thanks to a media blitz by pharmaceutical companies. Those...

Men seeking youth may actually find death
Watch any football game or a news program, and you’re almost sure to see one of those commercials about how a-little-dab’ll-do-ya of testosterone can banish the “low-T” blues and put spark back into your life.
The ads work. Almost 3 percent of American men ag...