Health – Citizens Report a digital channel commited to health & medical rights. Mon, 20 Jan 2025 06:33:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Health – Citizens Report 32 32 The Real Benefits of Drinking Green Tea Tue, 07 Feb 2017 20:48:49 +0000 Healers have promoted green tea as a powerful elixir for centuries. Packed with potent plant-based benefits, continued consumption of green tea is believed to have strong effects on health. Green tea benefits naturally improve overall wellbeing.  Green tea’s long-standing reputation has led to coverage in health magazines and blogs, but research on the benefits of […]

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Healers have promoted green tea as a powerful elixir for centuries. Packed with potent plant-based benefits, continued consumption of green tea is believed to have strong effects on health. Green tea benefits naturally improve overall wellbeing. 

Green tea’s long-standing reputation has led to coverage in health magazines and blogs, but research on the benefits of the beverage have been mixed.

Supporters assert green tea aids in weight loss, improves blood flow, lowers cholesterol, helps with cardiovascular health and even has a positive impact on cancer. It’s important to review the data to understand the specific reasons for incorporating green tea into your diet.

About Green Tea Benefits

Green tea contains flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants derived from plants. Among other ingredients, green tea has an active substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a catechin, which boosts the metabolism, stops cell damage and slows the development of diseases.

Systems in the body are interconnected. When something benefits the heart, it’s likely it will also benefit the brain and blood vessels. Green tea has been known to improve various bodily functions and processes, including:

  • Weight loss
  • Diabetes
  • Cholesterol
  • Brain Health
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Cancer
  • Relaxation

In the Data

Researchers have begun to examine green tea in an effort to provide clear-cut evidence about its benefits. The University of Maryland Medical Center, along with WebMD and others, have outlined a number of health claims associated with drinking green tea.

Weight Loss

One of the most popular claims associated with green tea is weight loss, though researchers have not come to a solid consensus. While some studies show EGCG can promote weight loss by boosting the metabolism, others show no significant link. However, green tea is a good option for individuals looking to cut sugar-laden soda consumption, which can lead to obesity.

For this reason, green tea is also regarded as a good addition to diabetes treatments. Catechins in green tea are believed to reduce blood sugar and keep levels stable. 


Green tea contains antioxidants that raise good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol. The polyphenols work to stop the absorption of the negative cholesterol, helping the arteries to function better. The oxidation of bad cholesterol is blocked, helping to reduce levels in the blood.

The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study conducted in China that illustrated drinking green tea can reduce the risk of developing hypertension by 46 to 65 percent. Another study showed “men who drink green tea are more likely to have lower total cholesterol than those who do not drink green tea,” according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Brain Function

A study conducted by the University of Basel in Switzerland linked green tea benefits to better memory function. The researchers took MRIs of people who drank green tea and discovered their working-memory was improved. Green tea also slows the formation of Alzheimer’s disease by stopping plaques from forming in the brain.

“The MRI showed increased connectivity between the parietal and the frontal cortex of the brain,” according to researchers. “These neuronal findings correlated positively with improvement in task performance of the participants.”

Cardiovascular Health

The antioxidants in green tea show that it also helps the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The properties of green tea that improve blood pressure work to prevent coronary artery disease, heart failure and other cardiac issues.

In 2013, researchers reviewed a number of studies and confirmed the preventative benefits of green tea in the cardiovascular system. The studies, carried out over extended periods, included large sample groups to understand how tea affects people with different diet and lifestyles.

Studies show that the risk of heart disease is lowered when bad cholesterol is reduced. Researchers found that drinking three cups of tea per day decreases the risk of heart attack by 11 percent.


Scientists have found evidence showing green tea can have a positive impact on skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal, and bladder cancer. While green tea benefits should not be used as a singular treatment for cancer, it has been proven to help healthy cells grow stronger.

The polyphenols in green tea are believed to help prevent cancer, with a correlation between the fact that tea consumption is high while cancer rates are low in Asian countries. According to the National Cancer Institute, it “does not recommend for or against the use of tea to reduce the risk of any type of cancer.”


Because it allows you to slow down, drinking tea has a positive effect on stress. Green tea contains theanine, an amino acid that binds to GABA receptors, changes brain waves and calms the nervous system.

The theanine compound has been shown to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and improve sleep. Green tea contains the highest amount of theanine.

A Daily Routine

According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch, the best way to maximize the green tea benefits is by drinking three cups a day. Consuming tea multiple times a day will help the body to utilize its potent compounds.

Catechins are best absorbed when consumed fresh, after letting the tea steep for three to five minutes. Steer clear of decaffeinated, instant and bottled teas, which are less powerful. Be sure to prepare the tea yourself.

In some cases, an ingredient present in tea called tannin may affect nutrient absorption. Always drink tea between meals to maintain your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from fruits and vegetables, according to Harvard Women’s Health Watch.

Tea can impede the absorption of iron from fruits and vegetables. The addition of lemon or milk in the tea can help, too.

While green tea doesn’t provide a definite cure-all, research has shown it can offer a number of benefits with regular and proper consumption.

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6 Health Tips For Better Aging Thu, 26 Jan 2017 17:29:14 +0000 As the years pass, it may become more and more difficult to maintain overall health. The chaos of juggling a family, climbing a career ladder or managing a mortgage may reduce your ability to stick to a routine. With other challenges on the horizon, following preventative health tips often takes a backseat. Setting clear wellness […]

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As the years pass, it may become more and more difficult to maintain overall health. The chaos of juggling a family, climbing a career ladder or managing a mortgage may reduce your ability to stick to a routine. With other challenges on the horizon, following preventative health tips often takes a backseat.

Setting clear wellness goals will make a big difference as you move through the decades. It’s important to remember a healthy brain and body improves functioning in all aspects of your life. If you start a self-care system now, all you’ll have to worry about is some stray grays and a few wrinkles—better known as laugh lines, of course. Aging individuals are also prone to vascular conditions like varicose veins or venous ulcers so it is advised to seek treatment at

Experts have come to a consensus about the most prominent health tips and practices to keep you feeling fresh, young and ready to take on the next task. We’ve curated an outline of basic reminders for a better you. 

Check out our top six health tips:

Diet and Exercise

A better diet and more exercise are regarded as the cornerstones of optimal health. But with so many fad diets, exercise tools and general industry mumbo jumbo, it may be hard to find a place to start.

It’s essential to consume fruits, vegetables and whole grains, in addition to protein and vitamins like calcium and B12. According to the American Heart Association, there are a few basic dietary guidelines to stick to:

  • Use at least as many calories as you take in
  • Eat a variety of nutritious foods from all the food groups
  • Eat less of the nutrient-poor foods, such as foods high in saturated fat, trans fat and sodium

When it comes to exercise, research shows that adults should engage in  30 minutes of moderate physical exercise five days a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity three days a week. Of course, it’s important to remember that everyone is different.

Developing a personalized plan based on your age, gender and medical history is the best bet. Also, if you have specific goals for your diet and exercise, like losing weight or getting more toned, Prevention provides a guide on how to target your focus.

Diabetes Prevention

A sweet tooth is a common, and seemingly harmless, everyday vice. But the majority of people develop diabetes later in life. In fact, symptoms may not show until you hit your mid-40’s. Type 2 diabetes, also known as gestational diabetes, can sneak up on you and cause serious complications down the line.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body can no longer produce the right amount of insulin. A sedentary lifestyle compounded with excess weight and high sugar consumption exacerbates the risk of type 2 diabetes, among other factors.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases provides more than 50 ways to prevent type 2 diabetes, such as reducing portion sizes, dancing regularly and buying a reusable water bottle to deter you from drinking sugary drinks.

If you think you may be at risk for diabetes, you should also follow self-screening instructions available at and make an appointment with a physician as soon as possible. You should also check your teeth if they’re decaying because of your sweets intake. Consult an expert like Durham Dental services and get them checked.

Balance Training

As you get older, your bones begin to weaken and become less able to withstand injury. For some, osteoporosis is a looming risk. Ans depending on your age and medical history, a slip or fall could be fatal.

By developing mind and body awareness, you’ll cultivate better balance when cooking, cleaning or on the go. But if you need structure, yoga is a great place to start.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, yoga is one of the top 10 most popular health approaches. Yoga provides clear-cut pose routines to help you stay focused and on your feet.

Even better, you don’t need to sign up for expensive weekly classes. Download free yoga sessions at Yoga Academy, or visit YouTube to start a daily practice at home.

Posture Awareness

While the promotion may be great for your resume, it might not be the best thing for your health. If you work in an office, it’s likely that you spend a lot of time hunched over a computer screen.

Hunchback, referred to in the scientific community as kyphosis, is the development of an abnormal curvature of the spine. Kyphosis affects the cervical, thoracic and sacral regions. Researchers have linked it to complications such as arthritis, Scheuermann’s disease and osteoporosis.

While yoga helps to release tension in the spine, posture braces may be a good option for when you’re sitting, crunching numbers or staring at a screen. And while a brace may not force your back to stay straight, it will provide a gentle reminder to correct your stance. Spine Universe discusses the benefits of bracing and if it’s an appropriate treatment for you.

Sexual Activity

Many people are surprised to learn that sex is healthy. Once you’re protected against disease or unintended pregnancy, sex can be healing for both the mind and body. To know more about pregnancy options, check out resources such as Your Loving Choices.

Regular sexual activity brings a number of positive biological and psychological impacts. One study, published in the Public Library of Science journal, illustrates that sex can be used for cardiovascular exercise. The benefits of sexual activity also include increased circulation, headache relief and improved sleep.

According to experts similar to those at, sex and intimate touch release a hormone called oxytocin, which increases social bonding and reduces stress. According to Healthline, sex has a number of additional benefits, including:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Burning calories
  • Increasing heart health
  • Strengthening muscles
  • Reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension
  • Increasing libido

However, as you age, it may be harder to perform in the bedroom. If you’re having difficulties in your sex life, be honest with your partner. Together, you can find a plan to boost your sex life. If you need help working up to open communication, talk to a physician or sex therapist who can offer you resources for dysfunction. 

Practicing Self-Care

Finding time for yourself on a busy day can be difficult. It may seem like there’s never a moment to relax, take a step back and breathe. Eating right, exercising daily and sleeping at least eight hours each night are essential to overall health. But even if you’re keeping up with the major tenants, there are other parts of self-care that may be left out. 

Emerging science has started to confirm the benefits of mindfulness, defined by the American Psychological Association (APA) as “a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment.”

Mindfulness cultivates gratitude and encourages you to care for yourself in new ways, mentally and physically. Multiply your winnings with ชนะมากขึ้นที่ Mindfulness also has other benefits, according to the APA, including:

  • Reduced rumination
  • Stress reduction
  • Boosts to working memory
  • Focus
  • More cognitive flexibility
  • Relationship satisfaction
  • Enhanced insight and intuition

Specialized geriatric psychiatry teams monitor age-related mental health changes through regular assessments. Remember, change takes time. If you have trouble creating a new routine that works for you, don’t be embarrassed to seek help. The organization Find Mindfulness offers introductory courses for daily practices and meditation. However, there are a number of free guided meditations available as online podcasts on YouTube or Spotify. Online casinos can also offer an entertaining and engaging way to relieve stress. Plus, with online casinos, you can experience the rush of gambling without even leaving your home. So, why not check this review and see if gambling can be your stress reliever. You can also check out online casino platforms like level up casino NZ for exciting prizes!

When your mind and body are working together cohesively, you’re able to be your best self. And that’s something we can all get behind, no matter our age, current habits or everyday challenges. Here’s to a better you! 

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An Antibiotic Scorecard For Your Favorite Fast Food Joints Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:06:38 +0000 The 25 largest fast food chains in the United States are getting schooled — not surprisingly, the report card doesn’t look so good. The meat sold by the nation’s major fast food providers has been analyzed for its antibiotic content. The scorecard exposes the seriousness of an underreported health issue that affects the nation as a […]

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The Chain Reaction Report Exposes The Amount Of Antibiotics In The Fast Food Meat Supply

According to the Chain Reaction report, meat sold by major American fast food chains contains an unsafe amount of antibiotics.

The 25 largest fast food chains in the United States are getting schooled — not surprisingly, the report card doesn’t look so good.

The meat sold by the nation’s major fast food providers has been analyzed for its antibiotic content. The scorecard exposes the seriousness of an underreported health issue that affects the nation as a whole.

The Report Card

The scorecard shows that only five American fast food chains received a passing grade, while 20 other restaurants failed the test.

Friends of Earth released a “Chain Reaction” report in conjunction with the Natural Resources Defense Council, Consumers Union, Food Animal Concerns Trust, Keep Antibiotics Working, and Center for Food Safety.

The report grades America’s top restaurant chains on their policies and practices regarding antibiotics in their meat and poultry. Researchers gathered data from restaurants in person, through email and snail mail.

The researchers looked at how well these policies were implemented, including the estimated availability of meat produced without routine antibiotics. The grade also takes into account how transparent the restaurant is about its policies, and if the practices were online.

The grades were calculated based on the establishment’s antibiotics use policies, including the strength of the policy and if it applies to all meat products offered. The total number of possible points was 36.

According to the report, 20 of the most popular fast food restaurants failed, which meant the meat they sold contained a lot of antibiotics. The restaurants that received zero points include Wendy’s, Burger King, Dominos, Starbucks, Olive Garden, Papa John’s, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC, Applebee’s, Sonic, Chili’s, Jack in the Box, Arby’s, Dairy Queen, IHOP, Outback and Little Caesars.

Each restaurant had a different response of explanation for their good, or not-so-good, grade.

Dunkin’ Donuts and Dominos both said their food complies with all FDA and USDA laws. Wendy’s and Starbucks are working to address concerns about antibiotic use. Burger King plans to review the findings.

Only two restaurants passed with flying colors. Chipotle and Panera Bread both received an “A” score because their meat isn’t treated with antibiotics.

“While many people are just starting to pay attention to the issue, we have known for a long time that it is the right thing to do, and we are pleased to see others taking even small steps to curb antibiotic use in livestock,” Chipotle said in response to the report.

Panera Bread had a similar reaction, claiming that “More than a decade ago, we started serving chicken raised without antibiotics — ahead of the industry. We’re glad to see that others have followed and proud to have extended our commitment to all of the chicken, ham, bacon, sausage and roasted turkey on our salads and sandwiches.”

Chik-fil-a, coming in with a “B” score, is working to catch up to their 2014 claim of ‘No Antibiotics Ever.’ Representatives say that the switch will take time, and that verification from suppliers is of utmost importance. McDonald’s is also working to eliminate some antibiotics in their meat supply.

Papa Johns, which received an “F,” is spending $100 million a year to eliminate artificial ingredients and other additives. “By the first half of 2016, we will offer antibiotic-free chicken on our pizza,” Papa Johns said in response.

The Meaning Behind The Meat

Consuming meat that contains antibiotic-resistant bacteria will make antibiotics ineffective when they are needed most.
Image: Maximized Living

The meat industry uses antibiotics to prevent animals from getting infections that would develop from poor diet and unsanitary conditions. Using antibiotics as a standard preventative method has yielded resistant bacteria, which is then passed on to humans.

“When livestock producers administer antibiotics routinely to their flocks and herds, bacteria can develop resistance, thrive and even spread to our communities, contributing to the larger problem of antibiotic resistance,” according to the report authors.

This is a bigger problem than we think. At least 2 million Americans contract antibiotic-resistant infections every year, the CDC estimates. These infections will kill about 23,000 people.

“The worsening epidemic of resistance means that antibiotics may not work when we need them most: when our kids contract a staph infection (MRSA), or our parents get a life-threatening pneumonia,” according to the study.

In addition, six hormones are used in the industry to promote faster, larger growth of animals. Although the scorecard doesn’t measure the amount of hormones used in fast food meat, the authors want to caution as using them as a replacement for antibiotics.

The report urges restaurants to “use their considerable purchasing power to make meat and poultry produced without the routine use of antibiotics more readily available to consumers.”

The authors also call upon the Food and Drug Administration to mandate greater transparency on antibiotic use in the meat industry, and create “policies that prohibit use of medically important antibiotics for both growth promotion and disease prevention.”

According to the report, it’s really up to the consumer. Recommendations ranging from diners to restaurants, government officials and farmers are included in the report.

“As more consumers demand better meat options, they will become more widely available,” the authors wrote. “Remember: it’s your money, your health and your future.”


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HIV Vaccine Shows Promise in Primates Wed, 25 Mar 2015 14:57:30 +0000 A team at the Scripps Research Institute in California has discovered a new means to fight HIV, which could forever change the way the virus is treated and prevented. A different means of approaching vaccination, the treatment has started to show promise in primates. The team believes this new treatment could revolutionize HIV and the way […]

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Alexis Benter

A team at the Scripps Research Institute in California has discovered a new means to fight HIV, which could forever change the way the virus is treated and prevented. A different means of approaching vaccination, the treatment has started to show promise in primates.

The team believes this new treatment could revolutionize HIV and the way it is handled in treatment. The procedure involves changing the monkey’s DNA in already functioning blood cells with a complex gene therapy process. The change in the DNA alters the way in which the monkey produces blood.

After the procedure, the monkeys begin to produce all of the tools needed to fight and inhibit HIV. This treatment has the potential to be used in humans, and the team at Scripps is excited to start human trials as soon as possible.

“This innovative research holds promise for moving us towards two important goals: achieving long-term protection from HIV infection, and putting HIV into sustained remission in chronically infected people,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci of the US National Institutes of Health in an article with BBC.

One of the troubles with HIV vaccines in the past is that they’ve struggled to keep up with the rapid manner in which HIV multiplies and changes in the body. The vaccines produced cannot keep up with the virus, and thus prove ineffective. This new approach is stronger than any antibody in fighting the disease.

This treatment holds the potential to eradicate HIV across the globe. Its effectiveness in treating monkeys and its strength in fighting the virus make it a treatment and prevention option worth paying attention to. Moreover, regular STI testing is crucial for maintaining sexual health. Ensuring that individuals get tested for STIs on a regular basis is essential, and you can find more information about STI testing and its importance linked here.

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Blood Transfusions Potential Cure for Ebola Wed, 18 Mar 2015 11:00:31 +0000 The military hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone, conducted a controlled clinical trial in which 35 ebola patients received blood transfusions from donors who survived the disease. Though comparisons with the control arm of the study are not currently available, officials reported that 80 percent of the blood recipients lived. In a nation where the survival rate […]

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Alexis Benter

The military hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone, conducted a controlled clinical trial in which 35 ebola patients received blood transfusions from donors who survived the disease. Though comparisons with the control arm of the study are not currently available, officials reported that 80 percent of the blood recipients lived. In a nation where the survival rate for the disease is below 50 percent, this is absolutely something to cheer about.

Could Antibody Proteins Block the Virus?

Proponents of the blood transfusion tactic believe that antibody proteins, which are slowly produced by the immune system, are most likely responsible for blocking the ebola virus in the weeks following infection. The treatment is particularly promising because blood plasma contains these antibodies. Since plasma can be donated more frequently than blood, this bodes well for patients in need. In addition, the tactic could potentially save more lives because the donated plasma can be stored for long periods of time.

Blood Treatments Prove Vital for Future Outbreaks

Though the initial findings are very promising, the blood plasma treatments will not have a significant impact in this current outbreak’s death toll, which has climbed past 9,253 individuals. However, these treatments will prove vital for future ebola outbreaks.

Another benefit of the blood treatment is that it is essentially owned by the countries themselves. The medical industries won’t have to endure the headaches that come with paying high prices of buying pharmaceuticals from Big Pharma.

“The countries really liked the blood option more than the drugs because there is no manufacturer behind it and no international regulatory approvals required,” says David Wood, a virologist at the World Health Organization.

Despite the benefits, the blood transfusion tactic is not yet ready to be implemented on a massive scale. At the blood bank headquarters in Freetown, donor blood is stored in a rusted refrigerator, and lab technicians enter vital data on outdated computers. There is also the threat of blood spoiling from unreliable electricity.

Thankfully, the World Bank granted $200,000 to the Sierra Leonean blood trial, and several other donors committed more than $3.3 million to the plasma studies. A portion of this budget will go toward the purchase of medical equipment, refrigerators and infrastructure. Professionals are hopeful that the blood transfusion tactic will one day put an end to the ebola virus for good.

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Taboo Medicine: Ayahuasca Wed, 18 Feb 2015 23:32:47 +0000 The connection between the mind and body is as unbreakable as it is complex. Human beings are unique organisms, leaving health professionals with the never-ending task of uncovering different remedies for disease. Despite all that remains undiscovered, policymakers wield the power to regulate substances, choosing to acknowledge some as medicine and disregard others as dangerous. […]

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Alexandria Clark

The connection between the mind and body is as unbreakable as it is complex. Human beings are unique organisms, leaving health professionals with the never-ending task of uncovering different remedies for disease. Despite all that remains undiscovered, policymakers wield the power to regulate substances, choosing to acknowledge some as medicine and disregard others as dangerous.

It is no secret that FDA-approved prescription drugs can have serious side effects. Because of this, it is possible that prohibited or peculiar treatments could possess unknown medicinal benefits. If our worldview is based on our culture and society, it takes careful consideration to better understand the differences between Western medicine and traditional healing.

In our Taboo Medicine series, we challenge our readers to rethink the definition of medicine. In this article, we ask you to consider how altering the chemistry of the body can also influence the mind to treat afflictions of consciousness and perception.

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca is an age-old indigenous medicine that is gathered from the Amazon Rainforest and used throughout South America, specifically in Peru. Served as a tea, ayahuasca is used to treat a variety of issues and trauma-related conditions, such as PTSD, insomnia, depression, anxiety, addiction and more.

Known as the spirit vine, Ayahuasca is a plant-based brew that produces hallucinogenic effects credited with spiritual healing. The active ingredient in the mixture is dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, which is a chemical that imitates serotonin and facilitates dreaming in living things.

According to CNN’s episode of “This Is Life With Lisa Ling: Jungle Fix,” “DMT accelerates or enhances communication in the brain between areas responsible for sense of self, emotion and perception. Scientists believe this induces a dreamlike or hypnotic state that triggers personal revelations and new ways of thinking about old traumas.”

However, there is a common misconception about the components of the concoction, according to Victoria Jara, a 23-year-old  researcher at AyniGlobal and a graduate of New College of Florida with a degree in biological psychology.

“The ayahuasca brew is not just one plant, but rather it is a cocktail of two different plants, the vine Banisteriopsis caapi (ayahuasca bark) and the leaves of Psychotiria viridis (chacruna),” Jara said. “The latter is actually the DMT-containing component, and the ayahuasca vine is the MAOI.”

The Process of Ritual Healing

“An ayahuasca ceremony is filled with meaning and ritual that go beyond the actual effects of the brew,” Jara said.

The ayahuasca ceremony is lead by an experienced spiritual guide or shaman, who prepares the plant mixture and oversees the treatment. According to Jara, it takes several ceremonies for people to get the full healing process. The shaman may contribute to the overall experience by engaging in ritual chanting or blowing smoke over the top of the head, as seen in the Richard Meech documentary film “Vine of the Soul.”

Ania Kruszewska, a 47-year-old yoga instructor and massage therapist, has participated in multiple ayahuasca ceremonies since her first experience in Puerto Rico in the summer of 2012. A year later, she traveled to Peru for a Shipibo workshop at the Temple of the Way of Light, where she participated in seven ceremonies over a period of two weeks. Kruszewska has also done a handful of ceremonies in the in the United States at a Brazilian Church called Union de Vegetales.

“My first experience was so powerful that it shifted my perception the world,” Kruszewska said. “I experienced many visions always accompanied with very profound personal messages. And visions didn’t seem like hallucinations, but rather, they gave the feeling of real, lived experiences.”

Intense reactions to the drug are not uncommon, as purging is an expected part of the cleansing process. In “Vine of the Soul,” the process appears exhausting, but as individuals participate in multiple ceremonies, they report reaching a deeper level of understanding and self-awareness.

“I felt that the Ayahuasca tea, by entering my body, was illuminating it from within,” Kruszewska said. “I had a vision that ayahuasca went into every cell of my body and dislodged any negativity or illness from within the cell and brought it out, in the form of strong purging that actually felt great, relieving and needed.”

The tea, which is culture-based but spiritually derived, is believed to help create a connection between the individual and universe, offering glimpses into of other levels of reality. The psychedelic effects of the treatment reportedly allow the individual to hear a guiding voice or presence. This is why ayahuasca is sometimes referred to as plant teacher or spirit mother.

“Towards the end of the session there were less visions and more messages that felt like they were being downloaded into my brain. The messages were pertaining to my particular situation, and they seemed like answers or gentle suggestions for improving what wasn’t working in my life,” Kruszewska said.

After the treatment ceremony is complete, patients are meant to feel self-assured and at ease. Ayahuasca allows participants to let down their walls to disconnect from the ego and relieve past traumas. The experience is credited with creating life-affirming harmony. Kruszewska believes it leads to expansion of the mind, which she described as the divine, sublime energy of love permeating the whole universe.

“At the end of the session I felt a humbling, unbound deep sense of gratitude. The tears of joy quietly streaming on my cheeks,” Kruszewska said. “The gratitude for life itself, for this precious gift that life is. The knowing that we are the life, and it never ends.”

“The session left me in a state of clarity and deeper perception. My mind seemed more open and vast. My heart free and humble. I gained a sense of profound acceptance of joy and lightness. I felt that I am and always will be fine. Even in the face of death.”

Western Ideals Converge with Traditional Values

“In traditional and mestizo societies, the ayahuasca brew is sacred. The brew is mother or grandmother ayahuasca, she is the doctor ayahuasca. She is the portal to the spiritual world, allowing the shaman to communicate with other plant spirits to help in healing,” Jara said.

In Western societies, the potential medicinal benefits of indigenous plants are at times unrecognized. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, ayahuasca is labeled as a schedule I substance, which is defined as having “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” For this reason, Westerners travel to South America to experience authentic weeklong healing ceremonies.

“Traditionally in indigenous communities who use ayahuasca to heal, it is only the shaman who takes the brew, not the participants. However, I believe that the cultural context of the ceremony, i.e. Western or traditional, creates the therapeutic effect of the brew,” Jara said. “For Westerners, consumption of the brew is necessary to believe that the ceremony will have a healing effect.”

This has led to a rise in global ayahuasca tourism, which is booming in countries such as Peru and Ecuador. The treatment has also been brought to the U.S. and is reportedly growing in popularity, according to the Huffington Post. But because the Western use of the drug is not rooted in ritual, its transfer is unparalleled. For this reason, the safety of its use is called into question.

“The benefits are present and are definitely being actively investigated. I believe the brew can offer what the consumer is expecting it will offer, and that is how I feel about most substances,” Jara said. “I personally think that the Western consumption of the brew is problematic and needs to be carefully approached.”

Are Psychedelic Trip and Treatment Interchangeable?

Kruszewska credits these ceremonies with reviving her trust in the world and ending her spiritual crisis. She also refers to one friend who no longer needed antidepressants after the ceremony, and another who kicked an addiction to cocaine. It has been used as a cure for sexual or combat-induced trauma, low self-worth and deficient emptiness. But the question of whether the medicine is dangerous and worthy of its schedule I classification remains unanswered.

“I believe that the different contexts the brew is consumed in are dangerous. The brew could potentially be dangerous for those people who have pre-existing conditions that might not mix well with the biochemical effects of the brew, i.e. heart conditions,” Jara said.

Kruszewska is confident in the healing effects of the brew, but she does not recommend it for everyone. Like Jara, she cautions travelers to consume the tea in the context of a sacred ceremony with experienced shamans who were referred by trustworthy people. She also maintains that the participant must have a good intuitive feeling about the shaman.

It is important to note that certain foods do not mix well with MAOIs. For this reason, it is imperative that individuals check with experienced guides who are aware of the dietary restrictions and any additional risks.

“It is not just the Ayahuasca tea that is healing, but especially the shaman’s intentions and the songs of healing that they are singing. The Ikaros are powerful healing sounds,” Kruszewska said. “Safe places like the Temple of the Way of Light will check on your safety and make sure you can safely participate.”

Many have praised the plant medicine for helping them to bury their demons and achieve self-actualization. Ayahuasca’s reported ability to soothe souls and replace darkness with self-love should be weighed against the possible dangers. Any decision to participate in the ceremony should be viewed as a calculated risk.

The Amazon Rainforest may be a natural pharmacy producing plants of empowerment, but for now, issues surrounding the promotion of drug tourism and the legality of psychotropic effects remain insoluble. Regardless, it is clear that for Kruszewska, this drug has indisputably made a life-changing difference.

“I feel I am healing myself with the insightful and honest help of this plant in the context of the ceremony,” Kruszewska said. “The subsequent ceremonies a year later in Peru were more difficult. They felt more like deep, personal therapy where I had to deal with the death of my parents, with parts of my childhood… Self-work had begun there. And it is still beautifully unfolding a year and a half later.”

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To Eat Meat, or Not to Eat Meat Thu, 05 Feb 2015 06:27:37 +0000 It is no secret that “vegetarianism” and “veganism” have been on the rise in recent years. According to a New York Magazine article, “perhaps inspired by Jay Z and Beyoncé’s 22-day vegan diet or the recent outing of Al Gore as a ‘newly turned vegan,’ news outlets on both sides of the Atlantic [have already […]

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It is no secret that “vegetarianism” and “veganism” have been on the rise in recent years. According to a New York Magazine article, “perhaps inspired by Jay Z and Beyoncé’s 22-day vegan diet or the recent outing of Al Gore as a ‘newly turned vegan,’ news outlets on both sides of the Atlantic [have already declared] 2014 ‘the year of the vegan.'”

And as the U.S. Department of Agriculture is getting ready to release this year’s dietary guidelines, there may soon be another push for the trend of Americans eating less meat. In the past, these guidelines (updated every five years) have advocated for overall healthier eating, but recently, the government is advising for the guidelines to also reflect the health of the environment.


Meat’s Environmental Impact

The production of meat contributes a large carbon footprint (release of greenhouse gases). Although Americans are now eating less meat than they have in the past, the deeply-embedded American diet includes an assortment of meat items (e.g. hamburgers, fried chicken, steaks). This comes with a huge environmental cost.

According to the Washington Post, “Carnivores contribute far more to environmental decay than do vegetarians.” The production of lamb, beef, and pork in the United States find their way to the top of the largest emission of greenhouse gases (CO2)–with a combined CO2 weight of 78.3 kilograms (Source: Environmental Working Group).

A recent study shows the environmental impact of beef, in particular, creates a lot of damage. The heavily-consumed red meat requires 28 times more land to produce than chicken or pork. With the animal’s large weight and complicated biology, an incredibly large amount of grains and/or grass is needed to feed them. Not to mention the amount of waste that is produced daily is enough to make one feel sick.

Dr. Tim Benton, professor at the University of Leeds, said the study uses national US data, and therefore, provides a good overview of the current situation.

“The biggest intervention people could make towards reducing their carbon footprints would not be to abandon cars, but to eat significantly less red meat,” Benton said.


Meat’s Impact on Our Health

The question of whether or not the consumption of meat is harmful is still under research. This explains why the government advises Americans to eat leaner meat rather than decreasing their intake. The North American Meat Institute (NAMI) and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association are pushing for a lean-meat diet, afraid that international and government agencies will cut meat production considerably.

Today, there is a larger community of vegetarians and vegans than ever before, something that was unfathomable 70 years ago. The eating of meat is becoming increasingly less popular and this is due to known health factors that have emerged throughout the years.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest a diet containing protein foods that are lower in solid fats and calories. Fats from animal products (i.e. meat, eggs, dairy) are considered solid fats, whereas fats found in seafood and nuts are considered healthier oils.

The connection to heart disease and cancers also surfaces when discussing meat consumption.

A National Cancer Institute (NCI) study of 500,000 individuals suggested that those who ate the most red meat on a daily basis were 30 percent more likely to die due to a health cause during a 10-year period than were those who ate the least amount of the red meat.

In the past, meat has been made infamous due to associations with atherosclerosis (the hardening or clogging of the arteries), shortened lifespan (according to Harvard School of Public Health), the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (report from JAMA Internal Medicine), and many more.

Not only are humans said to be at health risk as a result of the meat industry, but the very animals also suffer from maltreatment.

“From locking animals in tiny cages, to slicing parts of their bodies off without any pain relief, to genetically selecting them to grow so obese and so fast that many become lame, it’s by far the biggest cause of animal suffering in the world,” said Paul Shapiro, vice president of farm animal protection at the Humane Society of the United States.

As the meat producers and lovers of all-things animal flesh await their fate, for now, just keep in mind all of the information mentioned. At the end of the day, it is up to the consumers to determine their own conditions of health–and that of the environment.

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Understanding Monsanto: Health Effects Thu, 15 Jan 2015 23:24:15 +0000 As words like “organic” and “non-GMO” permeate our daily lives, we start to search for their true meaning. Although Monsanto is not the only company that produces genetically modified agriculture, its products and practices are a major focus of public contempt.   Who is Monsanto? Today, Monsanto markets itself as a “sustainable agriculture company” that produces […]

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As words like “organic” and “non-GMO” permeate our daily lives, we start to search for their true meaning. Although Monsanto is not the only company that produces genetically modified agriculture, its products and practices are a major focus of public contempt.


Who is Monsanto?

Today, Monsanto markets itself as a “sustainable agriculture company” that produces “high-yielding conventional and biotech seeds,” “advanced traits and technologies that enable more nutritious and durable crops” and “safe and effective crop protection solutions.”

However, Monsanto’s controversial history and its association with a variety of harmful chemicals that are believed to contaminate food, affect biodiversity, alter the environment and disenfranchise small-time farmers have made it one of the most publicly distrusted industrial companies.

Founded in 1901, Monsanto is credited with producing toxic chemicals such as PCBs; Agent Orange, the herbicidal warfare chemical used during the Vietnam War; the insecticide DDT; the dairy cow hormone rGHB; and the possible cancer-causing soft drink sweetener Aspartame, according to Modern Farmer.

Reinventing itself as an agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation, Monsanto’s GMO agricultural seeds include alfalfa, canola, corn, cotton, sorghum, soybeans, sugarbeets and wheat, as well as over 2,000 vegetable seed varieties. A sizeable amount of Americans foods include ingredients from the corporate giant.

Weeds create a problem for farmers. Monsanto’s seeds have an ability to tolerate powerful herbicides like their cheap, effective weed-killer Roundup Ready (also known as glyphosate), which seemed to solve that problem. But when the weeds became resistant to the herbicide, Monsanto further modified its seeds to endure an even stronger version of the chemical. And the cycle continues. At this point, the practices that produce the food, as well as the products themselves, have become a relevant topic of debate.


Effects of Consumption and GMO-labeling

Providing healthy, affordable food is an international political and economic issue that has yet to be solved. But, until that solution is found, many Americans believe that it should be up to them to decide if they want to consume Monsanto’s “Franken foods.” As is mandated in certain European countries, health-conscious individuals in the states are rallying for more comprehensive, honest labeling of products.

Scientific research on the effects of consuming GMOs is somewhat divided. The Institute for Responsible Technology cites 65 Health Risks of GMOs, whereas other organizations claim that the studies are flawed and that more information is needed. Regardless, many people do not want to be a part of this science experiment, refusing to become human guinea pigs, even if the chemicals are not actually harmful.


Monsanto: At Home and Abroad

Monsanto’s agricultural domination extends far beyond Western markets. The multinational corporation uses the land in developing countries to mass-produce its products, which has major implications on the health of low-income communities. To be frank, Monsanto has been accused of poisoning third world countries. However, there is a difference between the GM crops themselves and the herbicides that are sprayed on them.

In some countries, protective policies are either nonexistent or disregarded without consequence. Roundup Ready chemicals are sprayed near schools and homes, and the toxic waste and the bins that carry it are disposed of improperly. Individuals in these communities are reported to have more cases of cancer, disease and birth defects, as seen in the photo series “Argentina: The Country that Monsanto Poisoned?

Critics claimed that Monsanto is corrupt in documentaries such as “The World According to Monsanto” and “Food, Inc.,” and people are protesting Monsanto products all over the world, specifically in countries like the United States and Mexico. But many believe that genetically modified foods are a good thing if produced and developed properly.


“I think that GMOs are good for making the crops more effective, and in addition to that, making them more nutritious and resistant to pesticides. A better food crop for people in developing countries is definitely necessary. As far as long-term effects, I’m sure more studies would have to be done on what consuming GMOS does to the human body in 50 years. For the foreseeable future, it just seems like we don’t know,” said Ben Duong, a sophomore microbiology and political science major at UF.

Monsanto is a leader of genetically modified seeds and claims that its agricultural innovations will increase production yield and nutritional value, and hopefully, put an end to world hunger. Although opponents still question the long-term effects of altering the natural composition of food, it is clear that these herbicidal chemicals need to be handled with caution, and that more research must be conducted on the long-term effects of the process in its entirety.

Health concerns are only one issue in the debate that surrounds the agribusiness giant.

To be continued.

Featured photo courtesy of:Vegan Magazine

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Men seeking youth may actually find death Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:39:40 +0000 Watch any football game or a news program, and you’re almost sure to see one of those commercials about how a-little-dab’ll-do-ya of testosterone can banish the “low-T” blues and put spark back into your life. The ads work. Almost 3 percent of American men aged 40 and older have been prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. According […]

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Watch any football game or a news program, and you’re almost sure to see one of those commercials about how a-little-dab’ll-do-ya of testosterone can banish the “low-T” blues and put spark back into your life.

The ads work. Almost 3 percent of American men aged 40 and older have been prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. According to figures compiled by Bloomberg Businessweek, sales of testosterone drugs could reach $5 billion by 2017.

But a study released Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association is sure to raise questions about the wisdom behind the testosterone rush. It finds that among men with previous heart troubles and low testosterone levels, the use of ‘low-T’ therapy boosted the risk of serious problems including heart attack, stroke — and death.

Researchers at the University of Texas at Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas reviewed records from more than 8,700 men with low-T levels who underwent coronary angiography — a procedure that uses dye and X-rays to peer into heart arteries — in the Veterans Affairs system between 2005 and 2011.

If you suffered a cardiac injury while taking prescription Testosterone, click here!.

Read more of the article.

Click here to learn more about the side effects of prescription testosterone drugs, such as AndroGel, Axiron, and Testim, as well as the lawsuit settlements victims receive for their injuries.

The manufacturers of the testosterone drug AndroGel have been overrun by lawsuits from patients who’ve suffered side effects.

The FDA has issued a testosterone replacement therapy warning for men with Low-T.

A new nasal Low-T testosterone medication has both positives and side effects.

To learn about other drug side effects, their subsequent lawsuits and settlements, as well as other personal injury cases, CLICK HERE.

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A cholesterol drug that comes with a side order of Diabetes Mon, 07 Apr 2014 16:37:20 +0000 People on a high-dose regimen of the cholesterol drug Lipitor may have a slightly increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes — particularly if they have several of the classic diabetes risk factors, a study published Monday finds. A number of studies have linked Lipitor (known generically as atorvastatin) and other cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to […]

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People on a high-dose regimen of the cholesterol drug Lipitor may have a slightly increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes — particularly if they have several of the classic diabetes risk factors, a study published Monday finds.

A number of studies have linked Lipitor (known generically as atorvastatin) and other cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to a small increase in users’ risk of diabetes.

This latest study, based on data from three large clinical trials, strengthens evidence of a connection.

But it also suggests that the risk may largely exist among people who also have the well-known risk factors for type 2 diabetes — including excess weight, high blood sugar, elevated triglycerides (a type of blood fat) and high blood pressure.

Those four factors appear “very good at distinguishing people at high or low risk for developing new-onset diabetes with atorvastatin,” lead researcher Dr. David D. Waters, of the University of California at San Francisco, told Reuters Health in an email.

If you are a woman who was were diagnosed with Diabetes while taking Lipitor, click here!

Read more of the article.

Click here to learn more about the diabetes and other side effects of Lipitor, as well as the lawsuit settlements victims receive for their injuries.

Lipitor and 4 other dangerous medications in your medicine cabinet.

To learn about other drug side effects, their subsequent lawsuits and settlements, as well as other personal injury cases, CLICK HERE.

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