
List of Side Effects Linked To The Blood Thinner Eliquis
The blood thinner Eliquis, also known as Apixaban, has been linked to a number of complications.

Young Woman Files Against Zofran For Her Own Birth Defects
A Texas woman in her twenties sued Zofran for her cardiac and facial birth defects, including ventricular septal heart defect and cleft/lip palate.

Misleading Ad Campaigns Praise Low T Drugs
Ads convince elderly men that the effects of aging should be treated with Low T drugs, despite studies that link testosterone to cardiac issues and other injuries.

Natural, Drug-Free Ways To Combat Low Testosterone
Millions of men are using synthetic testosterone to treat low energy, low libido, depression and much more. Touted as a miracle medication, prescriptions for testosterone quadrupled between 2001 and 2011.While testosterone therapy allows older men to reap ...

Alabama Parents Sue Pharmaceutical Company For Heart Problems Linked To Zofran
In 1991, the Food and Drug Administration approved Zofran to treat the most severe kind of nausea. The drug was meant for cancer patients who required chemotherapy or radiation therapy.GlaxoSmithKline, the makers of Zofran, made the decision to engage ...

Arkansas Family Files Against Zofran For Cleft Palate And Clubfoot Defects
An Arkansas mother named Jody Huffmaster has joined the ranks of more than 60 parents fighting against Zofran.During her pregnancy, Huffmaster took Zofran to treat symptoms of morning sickness. The anti-nausea drug, originally approved for cancer patie...

Mother Seeks Justice For Son’s Heart And Lung Problems Caused By Zofran
Health professionals estimate 90 percent of pregnant women experience symptoms of nausea or vomiting. Kelly Blumenthal was no different.During the early stages of her pregnancy, Blumenthal began using a generic version of the off-label morning sickness...

Studies Link Low T Drugs To Heart Attacks In Elderly Men
Testosterone therapy, a popular hormone treatment for males, has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, prostate cancer and other serious conditions.While testosterone medication is used by different age groups and demographics, researchers have found ...

Massachusetts Takes On All Zofran Cases
Zofran, an anti-nausea drug that may have been misprescribed to treat pregnant women, can cause severe and debilitating birth defects. Children exposed to Zofran can suffer from heart problems, cleft lips/palates and craniosynostosis.Mothers who took Z...

Child Finds Risperdal Antipsychotic In Halloween Candy
Halloween in a small Georgia town started out like any other. Children in the city of St. Mary's suited up in their hand-picked costumes and happily started a night of trick-or-treating tradition. Meanwhile, adults in the town exchanged Sexy Halloween Costum...