Tagged as: Affordable Care Act

Repealing Obamacare: Research Shows Billion-Dollar Economic Loss
On Jan. 20, President-elect Donald Trump will take office with a Republican cabinet in tow. As promised in the campaign, one of their first orders of business is repealing Obamacare.New research from the Commonwealth Fund illustrates the impact of cutting ...

Census Confirms A Declining Number Of Uninsured Americans
The annual health insurance report was released last week, confirming the prediction that the number of uninsured people living in the United States had declined.The report, released by the U.S. Census Bureau, generally matched other insurance-related ...

Medical Associations Speak Out Against Insurance Mergers
The American insurance market is dominated by five multibillion dollar conglomerates who have the power to set prices, reduce output and impact customer choice.Two mergers have been proposed that would reduce the number of major insurers from five to t...