Tagged as: cigarettes

FDA Bans Four Cigarette Brands From Shelves
The FDA, recently tightening its regulatory grip on cigarette manufactures, banned the sale of four kinds of cigarettes on Sept. 15.Manufactured by R.J. Reynolds, the banned brands include Camel Crush Bold, Pall Mall Deep Set Recessed Filter, Pall Mall...

E-Cigarettes Might Be A Gateway To Traditional Cigarettes
Vaping is a relatively new fad, and researchers all over the world are trying to figure out how it will impact the population.Because so many scientists are gathering data on vaping, the studies often conflict. Some support e-cigarettes as smoking cess...

College Students Prefer Marijuana Over Tobacco Cigarettes
When college students take a smoke break, it's more than likely that they aren't smoking a cigarette. In fact, they're probably picking up a pipe.Studies show more teens and young adults regularly smoke marijuana instead of cigarettes, which illustrate...

FDA Acts Against Tobacco Industry’s False Advertising
You're a dedicated cigarette smoker, but this year you want to make an effort to be more health conscious. When shopping for cigarettes, you may see a product that has the words 'natural' or 'additive-free' written on the label. You compare the packaging a...