Tagged as: environment

Are America’s Children At Risk For Lead Poisoning?
Researchers have been increasingly concerned about high levels of BPA in school lunches. Now, it seems like school water sources may also be dangerously contaminated.Tests conducted at schools in Flint, Michigan, showed unsafe levels of lead in the wat...

Shell Puts An End To Alaskan Oil Chase
Multinational oil and gas provider Royal Dutch Shell plans to stop hunting for new sources of oil in Alaskan waters. After a failed attempt that cost the company billions of dollars, Shell will no longer search for spots to set up Arctic drilling.As us...

Abandoned Mines Leak Metals Into Western American Water Supply
The western region of the United States was untouched before thousands trekked far from home in search of the American dream.These men wanted to build a life. They began to stretch out, swallow the land and use it for profit. Many were employed as mine...

Finding Common Flaws In Climate Change Denial Research
A contrarian is defined as "one who takes an opposing view." When trying to denounce the idea of climate change, contrarians often refer to Galileo Galilei, a famed astronomer who often rejected the consensus.Today, 97 percent of experts have reached a...

New Dietary Guidelines Ask Americans to Start Thinking of the Environment
The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has issued its latest recommendations, with some coming as a surprise to many consumers. For the first time the committee is urging Americans to consider "the impact of food production, processing, and consumption ...

Multiple Oil Spills in Montana Impact Residents and Politics
Montana is no stranger to large oil spills. In July 2011, an oil pipeline burst and poured 63,000 gallons of crude oil into the Yellowstone River. The same thing happened in January when another pipeline burst beneath the Yellowstone River and 50,000 gallo...

To Eat Meat, or Not to Eat Meat
It is no secret that "vegetarianism" and "veganism" have been on the rise in recent years. According to a New York Magazine article, "perhaps inspired by Jay Z and Beyoncé's 22-day vegan diet or the recent outing of Al Gore as a 'newly turned vegan,' news ...

Bill Gates Reinvents the Toilet
What do you do when you learn that over 700,000 children die each year because of poor sanitation, but you know that western toilets, which require massive infrastructures that developing countries can’t provide, won’t solve the problem? Well, if you’re Bill G...

Technology Goes Green in 2015
During a recent global business summit in India, John Kerry spoke about the "one enormous cloud hanging over all of us which requires responsibility from leaders. Global climate change."While many discussions about climate change, which Kerry pointed out i...