Tagged as: FDA

FDA Approves Oxycontin For Teens
Oxycontin, a frequently abused drug that relieves serious pain, has been approved for children and teens between the ages of 11 and 16 years old.The FDA approved the drug after commissioning trials that focused on the 11 to 16 demographic to collect re...

Is Vaping E-Cigs Safer Than Smoking Tobacco?
Vapes are popping up everywhere -- at parties, restaurants, and even in the workplace.Health organizations in some countries believe that vaping is better for the body, but conflicting research on the side effects of e-cigarettes and their ability to ...

FDA Reevaluating Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathy is an alternative branch of medicine that was invented at the end of the 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, a man who believed that the dilution of a substance increases its potency. Since 1988, homeopathic medicine has not been regulated by the Fo...

FDA Orders Bayer to Issue Stronger Warnings as Yasmin Lawsuits Increase
The Food and Drug Administration has ordered Bayer AG to strengthen the blood-clot warnings on products such as Yasmin, which contains a synthetic hormone called drospirenone that has been found to triple the risk for blood clots.Bayer has paid over $4...

FDA Allows Homosexual Men to Donate Blood
As 2014 came to a close, the Food and Drug Administration recommended that the 31-year-old ban barring homosexual men from donating blood should be lifted. To avoid introducing HIV-positive blood into the nation’s supply, the FDA recommendation includes a defe...

Side Effects of Uterus Fibroids Surgery
Uterus Fibroids Surgery Side Effects
Although generally quite safe, uterus fibroids surgery side effects include excessive bleeding, pelvic pain, discomfort during sex, infection and abscess. Bleeding can persist for weeks or even months after an abdomina...

Risks and Side Effects of Uterine Fibroids Treatment
Uterine Fibroid Treatment Side Effects
The serious uterine fibroid treatment side effects of hysterectomies and myomectomies slowly led physicians to develop “safer,” less invasive, non-surgical alternatives. However, patients have discovered the hard way...

This implant is causing terrible suffering in women
Surgical mesh implants used to treat weakening in the pelvic region, a particularly common problem after childbirth, may actually do more harm than good, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports Wednesday.In the last three years, the agency said, it ...

The Birth of a New Drug
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ave you seen the ad for the new drug that treats runny noses? Taking it will make your nose feel better than ever, BUT, there's a small chance that you could develop one of the drug's many side effects: compulsive gambling, blackened urine ...