
Is Diet Soda Killing Us?
Is Diet Soda Killing You?Millions of people drink diet soda daily. It has quickly become one of the most popular beverages in the entire world. One could say it is addictive! Research is being done on these sodas that may surprise many people. One...

Marijuana-derived drug for epilepsy gets FDA ‘thumbs up’
First Cannabis-based Medicine Gets FDA ApprovalThursday, the UK company, GW Pharmaceuticals made history by becoming the first company to get FDA approval for their prescription cannabidiol medicine. While the FDA is opposed to smoking marij...

Treating Insomnia: The Most Common Sleep Disorder
An estimated 50 to 70 million Americans suffer from a chronic sleep disorder, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Decades of research have led to the discovery of 90 sleep disorders, all of which come with daily symptoms and long-term challen...

How To Relieve Back Pain Naturally
In its simplest form, back pain is an inconvenience. If it’s severe, it creates consistent discomfort, impedes an individual’s ability to work and reduces the overall quality of life.According to the American College of Physicians (ACP), the problem affect...

Is Your Nissan Safe? Infiniti, Versa and Altimas Recalled
In two separate announcements, Nissan has recalled more than half a million Infinitis, Versas and Altimas for airbag and door problems. The Nissan recall includes specific makes and models. Retail signage is the best investment you can make for your thriving b...

Experts Rank The Top 7 Best Diets Of 2016
Fad diets make up a large portion of ever-changing health trends. With a new regimen popping up each week, it’s hard to know what recommendations should be trusted. The best, most effective diets are difficult to find. The truth is, trendy diets can be dan...

6 Health Tips For Better Aging
As the years pass, it may become more and more difficult to maintain overall health. The chaos of juggling a family, climbing a career ladder or managing a mortgage may reduce your ability to stick to a routine. With other challenges on the horizon, following ...

Repealing Obamacare: Research Shows Billion-Dollar Economic Loss
On Jan. 20, President-elect Donald Trump will take office with a Republican cabinet in tow. As promised in the campaign, one of their first orders of business is repealing Obamacare.New research from the Commonwealth Fund illustrates the impact of cutting ...

Congressman Calls For Investigation Into Morcellation Side Effects
Pennsylvania Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick is calling for an investigation into the safety of power morcellators. The call to action comes after a number of women underwent morcellator surgery and later died from uterine cancer.Power morcellators are...

A Guide To Proper Nursing Home Lifting And Repositioning
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a component of the U.S. Department of Labor, published a guide to help nursing home staff learn how to properly move elderly residents.OSHA's guidelines are based on ergonomics, an applied scien...