Toxic Exposure

High school parents should be concerned about ‘Juuling.’
What Is Juuling? Why Is It Dangerous?Juul is a premium brand of e-cigarette that is often called the iPhone of vaporizers. Unfortunately, the product has become popular among high schoolers, and this is a dangerous trend. The product can be quite addictive...

$90 Million Won’t Bring Them Back To Life
A New Jersey judge awarded $90.5 million to the families of eleven deceased victims in an asbestos lawsuit. The defendants, Anova Holding AG and Becon AG of Switzerland, are successors of a Swiss mining company that had supplied asbestos to the Johns Manvi...

Radioactive Coal Ash Pollutes Regional Groundwater
Research shows that radioactive coal ash is prominent in regions where coal-burning power plants are an economic staple.According to Greenpeace, coal ash is "highly hazardous, often containing arsenic, mercury and lead." Because coal ash waste is unreg...

Abandoned Mines Leak Metals Into Western American Water Supply
The western region of the United States was untouched before thousands trekked far from home in search of the American dream.These men wanted to build a life. They began to stretch out, swallow the land and use it for profit. Many were employed as mine...

Study Shows Contaminated Water in Fracking Areas
An incredibly detailed study examining groundwater was published this month in the trade journal Environmental Science and Technology. It found some disturbing and potentially dangerous information about the current state of groundwater and its potential f...

Texans Evacuated Due to Fracking Spill
In April nearly 100 homes in Arlington, Texas were evacuated after fracking fluid leaked from a drilling location nearby. The fluid spread to residential streets and nearby sewers and streams. Nearly two months later, officials in Arlington have determined...

In Spite of Protests, Shell Allowed to Drill the Arctic
Shells' request to start its drilling action in the Arctic Sea was approved by the Obama administration in May, in spite of strong opposition from numerous groups and organizations.However, the decision does not guarantee full freedom of action to the ...

Global CO2 Levels Reach Highest Ever in Recorded History
The last time planet Earth had so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was over one million years ago.
In March of this year, the concentration of global atmospheric carbon dioxide reached an average of 400.83 ppm (parts per million). These stats, courte...

Exposure to Air Pollution Could Age the Human Brain
As humans age, the neurons in the brain begin to deteriorate and it shrinks in size. A new study illustrates that constant exposure to air pollution may decrease the volume of the brain just as aging does, leading to issues such as silent strokes and cogni...

North Carolina laying the smack down on polluters
Years of polluting North Carolina's public waters has resulted in Duke Energy being fined a whopping 25 million dollars.In February of 2014, Duke Energy spilled 39,000 tons of coal ash into the Dan River. That spill was just one example of the pollution...