
Record-Breaking Temperatures Confirm Earth’s Hottest Year Yet
Despite claims from climate change contrarians, global warming is not under control.Scientists measuring the worldwide increase in temperature predict that 2015 will exceed the record-breaking heat wave that took place last year.
Tracking Temperature ...

Third Coral Bleaching Event Linked To Rising Ocean Temperature
Scientists have confirmed that the world is currently in the middle of the third coral bleaching event to ever be recorded.The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has found global evidence to support the occurrence of major changes...

Are America’s Children At Risk For Lead Poisoning?
Researchers have been increasingly concerned about high levels of BPA in school lunches. Now, it seems like school water sources may also be dangerously contaminated.Tests conducted at schools in Flint, Michigan, showed unsafe levels of lead in the wat...

Wildfires Increase Due To Global Warming
Wildfires in the Western part of America have been doing more damage in recent years than ever before. Scientists have discovered a reason for the spike.A recent University of Wyoming study shows the increase in expansiveness, frequency and intensity o...

Monsanto Sued For Cancer-Causing Herbicide
Monsanto is famous for its bad reputation, but it seems that the consequences of the company's actions are finally catching up.Two individuals exposed to Monsanto's herbicide Roundup are suing the multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnolo...

Shell Puts An End To Alaskan Oil Chase
Multinational oil and gas provider Royal Dutch Shell plans to stop hunting for new sources of oil in Alaskan waters. After a failed attempt that cost the company billions of dollars, Shell will no longer search for spots to set up Arctic drilling.As us...

Textile And Plastic Pollution Found Inside Pacific Seafood
An investigation into the quality of fish in California and Indonesia has shown that prominent species in the seafood chain are contaminated with plastic and textile fibers.Researchers analyzed the contents of two fish markets and found human-derived d...

Early Death From Air Pollution Predicted To Double By 2050
More than 3 million people die prematurely from prolonged exposure to air pollution each year, according to the World Health Organization.A new study shows the number could more than double by 2050. Researchers predict that 6.6 million people could die...

Could Carbon Nanofibers Slow Climate Change?
Climate change predictions are pretty grim, but a new invention could help to change that bitter future.Researchers from George Washington University have invented a solar-powered process that could convert carbon dioxide pollution into carbon residue,...

Abandoned Mines Leak Metals Into Western American Water Supply
The western region of the United States was untouched before thousands trekked far from home in search of the American dream.These men wanted to build a life. They began to stretch out, swallow the land and use it for profit. Many were employed as mine...