Tagged as: FDA

Marijuana-derived drug for epilepsy gets FDA ‘thumbs up’
First Cannabis-based Medicine Gets FDA ApprovalThursday, the UK company, GW Pharmaceuticals made history by becoming the first company to get FDA approval for their prescription cannabidiol medicine. While the FDA is opposed to smoking marij...

Safety Reminders For Blood Sugar Testing
1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. For newly diagnosed patients, blood sugar testing with glucose meters may seem daunting. Though it requires an intentional effort, properly managing diabetes is key to staying healthy and avoidi...

FDA Never Approved Olympus Duodenoscope Model
An Olympus duodenoscope that caused a superbug outbreak had been used to perform ERCP on patients for years without FDA approval.

FDA Is Currently Evaluating The Safety Of IVC Filters
An inferior vena cava filter, also known as an IVC filter, is a medical device implanted into an essential vein that carries blood to the heart. The devices are used to prevent life-threatening blood clots from traveling through the body and blocking the ...

Evaluating Homeopathic Cures
Homeopathic remedies are becoming increasingly popular in both conventional pharmacies and specialty drugstores.While some praise natural medicines as the purest kind of cure, others claim that science-based treatments are the only proven form of medic...

First Women’s Libido Pill Available Soon
Sexual dysfunction isn't just a man's problem. Lots of ladies deal with a low libido.Medical professionals and gender equality advocates are making sure the female sex life is finally being addressed. Addyi, a pink pill created by Sprout Pharmaceutical...

FDA Bans Four Cigarette Brands From Shelves
The FDA, recently tightening its regulatory grip on cigarette manufactures, banned the sale of four kinds of cigarettes on Sept. 15.Manufactured by R.J. Reynolds, the banned brands include Camel Crush Bold, Pall Mall Deep Set Recessed Filter, Pall Mall...

E-Cigarettes Might Be A Gateway To Traditional Cigarettes
Vaping is a relatively new fad, and researchers all over the world are trying to figure out how it will impact the population.Because so many scientists are gathering data on vaping, the studies often conflict. Some support e-cigarettes as smoking cess...

FDA Acts Against Tobacco Industry’s False Advertising
You're a dedicated cigarette smoker, but this year you want to make an effort to be more health conscious. When shopping for cigarettes, you may see a product that has the words 'natural' or 'additive-free' written on the label. You compare the packaging a...

FDA Urges Low-T Drug Manufacturers To Fund Cooperative Trial
Men having trouble in the bedroom use Low-T drugs to give their testosterone levels a boost. However, these drugs are only approved to treat certain medical conditions.The frequency of the off-label use of testosterone drugs has prompted the FDA to cal...